Saturday, January 1, 2011

Flu shots are one of the biggest lies in the medical industry next to chemo therapy. They don't work and they are toxic chemicals. Any deaths claimed to be that of the flu by the medical industry is to scare people into getting their crap. Pre existing conditions, man made, where the victim can't handle any other problems are the main reasons why people die when acquiring the flu.
The medical industry wants everyone to believe that the sole cause was the flu. I have spoken with one individual who lost a loved one due to the so called flu shot. The person tried this so called preventative shot and wound up with heart failure.
Vitamin D is the real cure but this is something that few want to believe as they still believe in conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is nothing but synthetic chemicals being pushed off as cures for anything and everything. They also kill. Pay special note to all the possible side effects when you watch their ads on television. Everything from light headed to heart failure, from unusual breathing problems to strokes. And they say these medication want-a-be s are an answer to our problems??? Not freakin hardly!!!!! Don't kill yourselves over their crap!!
My wife and I take vitamin D and ever since we started taking it daily, we have yet to acquire any flu bugs. This has been par for us for two years now while everyone around us is coming down with one strain or another.
People need to wake up and begin looking for alternative treatments. They are out there and this would also shut down one of the biggest legalized murders in this world. People die every day from some concoction they brew up and then claim the death was due to their pre existing medical condition. It never is due to the side effects of their poisons. The medical industry kills nearly 4 million people per year and gets away with it due to this reason. Watch, listen and learn from what you see and hear, you will find this to be true.

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