Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Inflation Jumps in Europe. U.S. is about to collapse. Doom iand gloom is everywhere.
We all gonna die.Insurance mafia needs to be curtailed.Theirs is not longer risk carrying enterprises. They became profit crazy dragons in this society. We need to down size the government except for one branch; the one closely controlling and regulating these insatiable crooks.Tea Party? You mean Republican Party. Just another word for "make me rich". The Democrats and Republicans need to be dismissed from Congress all together. We need AMERICANS in Congress, not business men that can be bought and paid for by any company that needs a tax break, Dems and Republicans that is. They are all criminals stealing from the US people and giving it to the rich so they, congressman, can reap the benefits of a decent kickback. I'm sick of it.
Get rid of NAFTA, CAFTA, and the whole free trade agreement crap and bring our jobs back home. It is a crime to pay $13 a day to the hispanic community to do what they make millions off of.Soon we will have only one oil company, a monopoly which will make the Republican oil billionaires like CIA Bush happy, as long as they are the ones who own it.You guys have no clue how oil business work. Some of the deepwater projects cost billions of $$ and years of time to build. Small companies have NO chance or expertie. Do you really think drilling in your back yard can solve our energy demand?BP keeps over 3000 people working in NW Indiana almost year round. Find me a Ma/Pa business that can keep even a handful of people working and still be able to raise a family. Big companies ain't perfect, but they sure as hell put food on the table and pay the bills. A hell of a lot better then government hand outs.

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