most stock gamblers, still dont get the picture the stock market is where its at because government officials chose that number there is no increase in anything period, if you think these crooks got to be billionaires just by lucky guess work you are the most naive person on earth, the bubble is about to burst again and wall st, will clean house they do it over and over, its nothing but a los vegas roulette wheel run by a bunch of international gangsters, if you got any extra money invest in gods kingdom feed the poor help th sick no one needs more money than can spend in fifty lifetimes,heaven is for heros hell is for wall st,Only way to play the market is if your like the Rothschild and Rockefellers that bet on a sure thing. Most likely the illuminati insiders are in the know and manipulate the market to get rich. the 5% control you 95% slaves so get back to work so they can crash the us currency and chip implant you!Just yesterday Reuters reported that the Wall Street manufactured delusion of a rebounding market was losing steam and the indicators showed that it didn't catch fire as they hoped.
Now AP, the media wing of the government and Wall Street fatcats, tries to save face and keep the disinformation coming to get small investors to dump the last of their cash back into the Wall Street fatcats pockets.
You have to see what they are doing to artificially manipulate weak investors. They are trying to milk every dollar they can. How many of these Wall Street firms are NOT giving their top people fat bonuses?
The bottom line is, people are still out of work. The numbers are not increasing only because the long time unemployed have dropped off the roles and are stuck and the government is playing with the media. There was just a HUGE wave of layoffs in Illinois with construction crews and project management. There are big layoffs coming later this month through February from the seasonal retail workers, which was the "employment" that helped the government fudge the employment numbers with temporary work. Also there are big layoffs coming from seasonal package handlers that will no longer be needed. We are about to enter the traditional slowest retail time of the year in the next quarter and AP and the government are feeding more happy talk to keep you shoveling the money you have. DON'T, because helping Wall Street stock prices does NOTHING for the guy in the street. If it WAS going to, it would have already. It has no bearing on Joe-six pack other than some Wall Street fatcats theoretical nonsense.
The FED is printing BILLIONS of your dollars , giving them away, and then blatantly and smugly telling Congress that they don't HAVE to tell where it's going and they have no intention of telling.
It's an illusion and always has been. Get out of your slave debt first. Don't worry about the usurers and billionaires. Worry about yourself, your family and your neighbor. How long are you going to allow them to use you as their plaything?
I know there will be those who have bought into Wall Street or they have something invested in it who absolutely hate me. So what? They are the problem, not the solution.
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