Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Remember the 400 sheep in the Northwest that mysteriously died in the 50's. It took about 30 years for us to find out that it was the US Mmilitary testing gas warfare agents. Just curious.Someone; either Govt or foe is playing with toxic material releases, chemical or biological...and since they haven't specifically said, I'm betting the Rogue Feds are at it when they attacked the USPS with anthrax.Remember the 400 sheep in the Northwest that mysteriously died in the 50's. It took about 30 years for us to find out that it was the US Mmilitary testing gas warfare agents.Secret prisons, torture, murder, trillions of dollars missing....... what have we come to?Isn't this the same guy they said knew the "truth" about the bird and fish kill off in Arkansas? I'm not trying to be funny but I could have swore I read an article claming a top US Official was murdered because he was going to whistle blow about the gases used.Israel has turned Gaza into a Warsaw Ghetto. The Israelis learned a lot from the Nazis, so much that they have become Nazis themselves, even worse. It is time for the US and Europe to end all support for Israel. It is time to declare Israel a terrorist state. It is time for the UN to disarm Israel and confiscate their illegal nuclear weapons. This is all so obvious. Why does it not happen? Because pro-Israel money controls the US government. Pat Buchanan said it best: "Washington DC is Israeli-occupied territory". Wake up, Americans. We should quit supporting the fascist-Nazi state of Israel. We should take back control of our government.

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