Monday, January 3, 2011

Someone calculated that there be 300 million more Christians in the world if they weren't murdered by Jews. Jews created Communism in Russia, then murdered 60 million Christians. Of course, Jews instigated and financed both WWI and WWII. As Mel Gibson stated, Jews start all the wars. FDR, Stalin, and Hitler were Jews and Winston Churchill's mother was Jewish. Jews always try to play the victim but they are the hidden hand behind these events. They got us fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan on their behalf. Jews have tremendous power with their ownership of the Federal Reserve and control of 96% of the mass media including book publishing and the movie and TV business.Yes- their must be a compromise for peace. In this situation however, the Israelis continue to confiscate Plestinian lands and build setlements/colonies, demolish Palestininan homes, pass racist laws and kill as necessary. The aim is to destroy you as a people. This goes on with the condemnation of the world, but the unlimited political and cover of the US. What/ how do you compromise.

The fact is though that now things are changing. Israel cann't wage war at will anymore after we saw what happened in the 2006 summer war Israel waged against Lebanon. That war and for the first time Israel suffered a defeat and it showed that Israel can no longer depend on awaging war to continue the agression against the people there. This is new equation in the middle east. This is the result of the meticulos, serious, advanced and determined work of Hizbollah. Israel has finally met its match.

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