Monday, January 3, 2011

They should have the best December ever. After all they did it with the taxpayers money. Now they want to take our hard earned cash and tell us to spend our way out of the Great Recession. Record bonuses this year for Wall Street not counting they doubled their salary pay less taxes on their income and make up financial instruments of mass destruction that no one seems to understand. They act like an independent country that above everyone else.A fool and his money are soon parted. Look at the other headlines! Retail sales down 4.1% Foreclosures Jump! many States bankrupt! Think there might be trouble ahead? yes! Gold now over $1400. Yep the shone T is going to hit the fan shortly!The new “catch phrase of hatred” from the neo-cons and tea partiers will be “entitlements.”
The will foster hatred for the seniors that built and fought for this country. They will foster hated for anyone that has lost their job due to the Ponzi schemes of Fraud Street/banker elite. And it will hide the theft of TRILLIONS in taxpayer money by the corrupt politicians the last 30 years.
Make no mistake, the politicians have NO INTENTION of EVER paying you back for your forceibly deducted Social Security and Medicare/caid payments.
The elites want nothing more than a “class war” to divide “the haves” versus the “have nots.” The neo-cons will be leading the charge followed blindly and ignorantly by the tea partiers.

You will see a massive “hate” effort spawned by the neo-con globalists, otherwise the theft of TRILLIONS will be discovered and their continuing game of robbing the elderly, the poor and working class of America might end.

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