Monday, February 21, 2011

Certain state/federal governments say they will have to shut down due to financial reasons. Has anyone noticed those same governments are already shut down. Okay, it may be a matter of weeks before the actual doors are closed and locked and the 8-5 inhabitants kicked to the curb. All the same though, these same entities no longer give a hoot if it's population is served. So, what's the worst thing that could happen when county/state/federal offices close. Well, everyone stays home. Spring is just around the corner, maybe these same folks would like to visit their local zoo...oops! CLOSED! You know, a few people could actually enjoy a few days off. I means, how important are they, REALLY! Let's allow these government egos to stay home, while the rest of us enjoy not be annoyed by those preposterous bosses. And, that goes double for those rediculous people we call politicians...both republican and democaratic. Oh, don't forget their staff. Send 'em all packing!We should stop pay and all benefits to all politicians and put them on commission.
See how many of them will disappear overnight.Cut the Trillion + it takes to balance the budget. The country is broke and heading for ruin. The time for action is now.

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