Thursday, February 24, 2011

The fact of the matter is there is over 10 million barrels a day of surplus crude being produced. Bet you don't hear that in the controlled news media do you? The oil monopoly along with greedy speculators are the reason that our gas is going out of sight. And please understand, when Obama put a 7 year moratorium on the gulf of Mexico, he was doing what his elitist masters told him to do. OPEC is not our problem, it is the elitists who own Exxon,Shell,Mobil and Texaco. They are the reason we are not allowed to drill in most of Alaska. They are the reason we cannot drill off of either coast. They used their control of environmental movements to put much of the United States off limits for drilling. And until their version of the old Standard Oil monopoly is broken, We the People are at their mercy.The core of The United States policy in the Middle East is to secure the existence of Israel. It has bribed Egypt and Jordan with billions of tax payers' dollars each year to buy their recognition of Israel. It supports authoritarian rulers in the area in exchange for their support of Israel, publicly or secretly. American people have not been benefited from our Middle East policy. Instead, we have become the main target of international Islamic terrorists because of that pro-Israel policy.
Americans, especially the little American tax payers, do you know that Israel has been being our burden and liability for more than 60 years? The whole Islamic world hate us and try to destroy us because we have been siding with Israel to oppress and kill the Palestinians and rob their lands.
So please ask ourselves:
Why do we have to go through long security line at airports?
Why have thousands of our young people been dying or wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Why have the Islamic extremists, including the Taliban and Al Qaeda, been able to recruit new terrorists and suicide bombers among young Muslims, many of them Americans?
Only one answer: because the US has been siding with Israel in oppressing the Palestinians.
Once we have a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, then our security will be secured, our young people will come home safe and sane from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Terrorism is bad, very bad and cruel. We strongly condemn it. But we also need to ask ourselves what is the root of Islamic terrorism against US and Western countries. Should we blame ourselves, too?

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