Monday, February 7, 2011

First thing middle-America you have no representation in government. Our elected officials whether they be Democrat or Republican represent those who take them to lunch everyday, send them on paid vacations, and give them high paying jobs after office. These groups are also known as corporate America, Wall Street and the big banks. We say they gamble but do they when they were in trouble we paid their way out and my have they recovered with Goldman Sachs giving raises to their top people while the people that bailed them out are suffering wage freezes and unemployment. Commodities trading is a legal racket that Al Capone would be proud of. They have a low tax rate on their earnings 15% and when they get in trouble the American people bail them out. This industry accomplishes nothing but the movement of wealth from one sector to another. This is not like starting a new company that hires a lot of people, provides a service, and puts money back into the economy it siphons money away from the economy. I am no socialist or communist but just look at the facts our manufacturing sector has been destroyed by both parties they both supported NAFTA which put our labor in direct competition with people that make 50 cents an hour. They sold the idea to us saying we would get cheap goods. We do we get cheaply make goods for a lot of money. Tennis shoes for $100 and Polo shirts for $70 made by slave labor we got screwed is what we got. Back to oil prices doesn't it seem funny to you how all factors work against the public. Republicans deregulated the commodities market. Democrats will not allow drilling here. Both these things keep oil high. The whole 2 pItarty thing is just a scam to keep the sheep divided. About Egypt the Suez Canal is not used by most big tankers because it is not big enough only 3% of the world's oil uses Egyptian routes. Egypt is not a big oil producer. If they tried to cut off oil traffic none of the 3 super powers would allow it. The Arabs hate us but love our money. They need food Egypt is already experiencing shortages so we have leverage. There has been no inhibition to the flow of oil so far. Oil traders were praying for this opportunity. If we had real leadership we would work to not be dependent on these people anyway. It makes no sense to depend on an unstable part of the world for energy unless somebody is making billions on it and doesn't care about selling national security or the American people down the river just to get rich. One more thing unrelated the new Republican congress voted down a bill that would have stopped government contracts from going to companies that outsource. Way to look out for the people and U.S. manufacturing jobs guys.

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