Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I would love to see all these critics of America's relations withe Saudis come up with an alternative. Should we refuse to buy Saudi oil? Should we invade and install another government? Should we return the more than $1 trillion dollars that rich Arabs have invested in the American economy?

What do you geniuses recommend?our country is in the same state as the middle east. anyone who is blaming one politcal party or one president for the our problems is part of the problem. its all politicans doing this they use the media to distract us from the facts. We are barely above slaves, we are the labor force behind their wallets. they throw us a bone everyone once in a while but for the most part they increase taxes and the price of goods. They cause economic downfall to push people on government dependency (welfare, unemployment, food stamps). they divide us on political party lines to keep us bickering with ourselves. They lie to applease their own agenda. they allow crime to run rampant in order to control us with police and other agencies. they are unaffected by issues such as the border, education, and drugs. Wars are fought for financial gain to empower the military industrial complex. they us discrimination to sow mistrust and hate between us.

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