If there is a power change in Saudi Arabia - we are going to have an economic meltdown beyond measure!!!!!! We cannot handle $10 a gallon gas, while our enemies work deals with a Saudi G'vmt beyond our influence.........We need need to protect Saudi Arabia, but we should stay out of Libyia.
Sadaam keep balance is his country, Gadayfi does is well if he canride this out.
We should pick sides there.If the current push for democracy in the Middle East extends over to Saudi Arabia, it'll be interesting to see where the US position falls. Are we going to side with the the new appetite for democracy and support the the rank and file Saudis, or will we cave to economic pressure and back the royal family in order to satisfy our addiction to cheap oil? When it comes to supporting the growing democracy, will we put our money where our mouth is? It'll be really ironic if Iraq and Afghanistan, the two countries we invaded in the name of democracy, among other things, are the last two in the region to adopt it. These are some interesting times.
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