Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's like knowing the lottery numbers a few days before they are drawn. Awfully tempting. I bet there is a lot of insider trading that's not being reported.Wall Street controls the GOP, Bernanke, the Fed, the SEC,
the banks and the American government.

If you want to know who's "protecting" you from fraud, it's Wall Street.

If you want to know who's deciding America's economic policies, it's Wall Street.

If you want to know who decides who gets "elected", it's Wall Street.

If you want to know why oil prices soar and fall, think about Wall Street and
why they lobbied for commodity speculation deregulation.

If you want to know why Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns and how
many other banks failed, think of who lobbied for the deregulation of
Glass-Steagall act separating commercial and investment banks - enacted
during the Depression and repealed in 1932.

If you like companies like Enron, Exxon/Mobil, BP, Comcast, Halliburton,
DynCorp, and the "banks" and credit "rating" "agencies", and all
of the health companies that rip off Medicare, making more in one hour
that you do in one day.
Of course there are reputable companies that are privately held too -
like Blackwater that "work" with the government.

If you want to know who you really work for, it is the folks on Wall Street.

If you want to know where your tax dollars go, think of how large an institution
like Wall Street could exist without any public trust.

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