Thursday, March 3, 2011

Its nice to be modern and think like modern people, but our generation is brain- washed by 60+ years of marxist-jewish TV and Media and as a society we haven't improved much at all. In fact we've gone backwards. The gay movement will die out because since they can't pro-create they will disappear. The struggle now is to destroy the jew's power over us. They will destroy all races, by inter-breeding them all. Once the white race is gone you'll see the end of the world and the jews will go down with it. Why are the jews so blind and stupid? Because their racism and their love of money has blinded them so much that their hate will backfire on them and the vast hoards of scum will eventually see the jews for what they are and overtake them, just by the sheer numbers. The only sad thing is this could be all avoidable if we never let the jews get so much power over us. Its time to take this power back and all other races and jews be damned!!Since Libya is under threat by violent insurgents Gaddafi and the army are quite to takde action....after all isnt that what the US is doing in Iraq and afghanistan? waging war against an armed insurgency?
occasionally bombing wedding parties; only there the US are invaders, and the taliban are a legal resistance...
What Iraq needs is a no fly zone...Libya doesnt as Libya does not bomb civilians:

'The reports of Libya mobilizing its air force against its own people spread quickly around the world. However, Russia’s military chiefs say they have been monitoring from space – and the pictures tell a different story.

According to Al Jazeera and BBC, on February 21 Libyan government inflicted airstrikes on Benghazi – the country’s largest city – and on the capital Tripoli. However, the Russian military, monitoring the unrest via satellite from the very beginning, says nothing of the sort was going on on the ground.

At this point, the Russian military is saying that, as far as they are concerned, the attacks some media were reporting have never occurred.

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