Tuesday, March 1, 2011

this is an insult, when the report talks about 570K in gains... the REAL gains are in the billions! The fact is that Wall Street profits are predicated upon knowing IN ADVANCE, what the 'main street' investors have no idea about. how could anyone NOT realize that the article is pure theatrics of SEC clamp downs. Jail time and confiscation of ill-begotten gains is the ONLY way to even out the playing fieldThese are the scoundrels to blame for demise of USA economy.....NOT HARD-WORKING $40,000/YEAR TEACHERS!!!!Wimpy Israel should be left to fend for itself not live in the shadow of the USA.
then we could get an honest evaluation of what is what and who is who.
It's not the Arabs against the Israelis It's the Arabs against the USA with an Israeli face.I agree with you 100%. Any event that happens in this world is allowed to happen by the Illuminati and the Freemasons. They are behind this definitely, the only question is, what are they trying to do exactly? Are they trying to throw the whole world into turmoil so they can usher in the New Age system? A New World Order?
ya, he said israel and the usa...not just the jews...and dont forget the 400 nuclear missles that the usa has installed in zionist israel, i bet even the jews are afraid of those missles!

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