Thursday, March 3, 2011

We need to stay out... Let them have their Civil War, if they must.. The price of oil will go up no matter if they fight or not..Saudi Arabia is already pumping extra oil to make up for this mess there.Sounds like a fight over who has control of the oil, I mean money.lies lies lies, please people do your own research on this matter and you will see the truth.I met an F-14 pilot at an airshow who helped civilize Ghadafi a long time ago when we bombed his ugly rear end, but that's worn off since, I'd guess. Somehow, with America's domestic financial future being decimated by politicians, I can't say that I really care what happens in Libya.The media sure are trying hard to prepare US hearts and minds for US military ops in Libya. 'the rag-tag army of rebels with little military training' in a country with compulsory military service for all males. Yeah. The guys with the AKs sure do seem to know what they're doing. Too bad this revolt and most like it will bring sharia to previously partly secular countries.It's a Civil War with Loyalist and Rebels fighting each other...

Let them fight it out and the winner will write the history and own the oil....

Foreign countries only valid interest is the safe removal of their citizens....

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