You act like "the Debt" suddenly appeared 2 yrs ago. Bush added a lot more to the debt to pay for the war & his tax cuts and a whole new Dept Homeland Security. Bush's recession started 2 yrs ago (after 8 yrs of cutting taxes), the debt didnt start 2 yrs ago. And, Even Reagan increased govt spending during the recession of the early 80s. He called it "priming the pump" - unfortunately Reagans idea of a "stimulus" bill was to spend all those billions on defense industry jobs that came up with lots of new useless weapons like "Star Wars" - but at least the spending worked, it grew the economy! Of course it also grew the debt, with nothing to show for it all (like Bush's huge spending too).
Military spending DWARFS all domestic programs, everything except Social Security & Medicare - but if you live long enough you will get all of that back! The Pentagon budget (including the wars) is hundreds of times greater than any other domestic spending!
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