An anti-Semite is a Semite that hates himselfRon Hirsch, 60, a transient...
Umm... do homeless people have access to bomb making materials and places to construct them? So he was begging for change for months/years to save up and do this? I ain't buying this story...Apparently. Ron Hirsch (also known as "Israel Fisher") IS jewish.
Now, you know, of course, if his name included "Mohammed" or "Islam", or he'd just spent time in Libya, or Lebanon, etc., this fact would be one of the first things mentioned and it would be stressed. However, if he's a Jewish bomber, then it's not even brought up --- he's just 'a transient'.
In fact, the Jews have quite a history as 'mad bombers': the murder of Czar Alexander II in 1881, the attempted murder of Russian Premier Pjotr Stolypin in 1906 (killing not him but his 15 year old daughter and twenty-seven others, but after numerous attacks finally a gun, wielded by a Jew (Bogrov) in 1911 got him), to name but two, and of course, without the Stern Group of jewish terrorists, would there be an Israel?
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