Saturday, April 9, 2011

haha you are right america can only pick on small crumb countrys, british will get their @#$% kicked and the rest like france and germany will fall like dominosNATO is a US puppet ! I just wonder why when a certain country which has no military capability to handle war, everybody want to bomb them ! everybody interested to send their military for their support.
I CHALLENGE NATO TO PLEASED BOMB NORTH KOREA OR IRAN ! and let all see how good are you !once libya was the part of turkey due to britsh they seperated after seperated now west want to swalow them?Why aren't we allowing Libya to protect itself? In Libya: Rioters shoot guns in public, defy law and order,
The US calls them Rebels OR Freedom Fighters. Should it happen in the US and we call it terrorism. Double Standard and Corrupt! America is the biggest propaganda machine out there.

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