Tuesday, April 12, 2011

THE POPE IS NOT GOD and in the end he & all the "protected special pedophiles" will be judged by GOD.The church is like the secular world - lies, cover ups, excuses, good ole boy, I'm going to leave the room put the money in the top right hand drawer, we can work this out - on & on & on!t's about time the Catholic church stopped protecting the sexual predators. Sexual abuse has been going on for centuries and nothing has ever been done about it. In the early church the popes had children so what else is new with the church. Don't believe what they tell you. A liar has to have a good memory.The pope actually blamed porn, "sexual tourism" and drug use??? So then the priests that are molesting these kids are into these things?? If not, then the pope is insinuating that it was the victims fault, or societys fault that the kids got molested. I am truly sickened to read that the pope is passing blame.

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