Monday, April 11, 2011

We don't support China, they support us by buying off our debt...they got royally screwed by our banking system and our government and now they are angry and more outspoken then ever. I don't think they liked buying gold bars from us only to discover they were only gold plated tungsten bars worth nothing.

America is a great country, used to be a beacon for the world(and compared to the rest of the world it may still be) but @#$% we are slowly turning into the rest of the world...socialized and mediocre Why do American christians have to by chinese junk from walmart?

Replies (4) The Beijing human rights group says: Mind your own business America! How about Gitmo, LA riots, Kent State shootings.....?It's funny to read all these anti-Chinese posts. America, where have you been the last year? We are in fact rocketing towards China's policies with Obama and his administration. They own the media, they own the auto companies, they own the banks, they are gobbling up land, they are about to own the healtn care business, they are working on what you read or hear on tv, radio, and in print. They want to tell you what to eat, when to eat, how to eat. In fact, the Obama administration wants to control YOU! from cradle to grave. That is all!!

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