Saturday, December 29, 2012

Afghanistan - a Democracy??

The New Stürmer  -  Year 2003
I am a survivor of the ethnic cleansing which the Jews have imposed on all Aryan nations for the past 60 years.
 Please help me and all my fellow Aryans  survive as Aryans. Please help our children.

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans

In this article I will  use the expression "Americans".   By this I mean only  the political elite in American and their leaders the Jews.   When I speak of citizens of America I will say "Citizens" .   USA in the article means US-military leaders.
After 9/11, as the USA started the war on the mountainous country,   Americans said they would introduce democracy to the people of Afghanistan.   Let us see if the mightiest military   country of the world have reached her target.
Has the USA been able to stop the drug-traffic from Afghanistan to  western world?  No.  The amount of heroin exported to the world from Afghanistan  has risen more then 10 times since 2001.    In spite of all the soldiers and military equipment NATO-forces combined with USA- soldiers in Afghanistan, they have not been able to control the country's druglords.   In spite of the military might that the US and NATO has in Afghanistan they have not been able to stop the traffic of Afghanistani heroin to flood into every western country, killing thousands of young people everyday.
Why?   Could it be that some of the people behind the political leaders in  Washington are getting money from the drug traffic??

Let us make a quick trip back in history.
David Sasson opium-trader and Jew
David Sassoon was born in Baghdad, Iran in 1792.   Sassoon, a Jew,  became one of the leaders of the East Indian Company, the British traders who sold opium to China and forced the British Crown to start a war on China in order to allow the Jews to keep on selling opium to Chinese.   Part of the opium Sassoon and his racial brothers sold to China came from Afghanistan.   In other words, it was the Jews introduced introduced large scale cultivation of poppies to the Afghan farmers.   Since the Jews have never given up a good business we must presume they still are behind the drug traffic.  Not as the traders they once were in China, but as financiers and planners.
Based on this it is understandable why soldiers from NATO are  "forbidden" to stop the cultivation of poppies. 
Why the war on Afghanistan?

One of the reasons behind the attack on Afghanistan was to bring down  the Taliban and Osama bin Laden, and bring democracy to the country.   Have any of these tasks been accomplished?  No, not one single task is completed.   Osama bin Laden has not been found.  The Taliban is still operating.  Democracy has not been introduced.
Americans have recently told countries in NATO they have to come up  with more money and soldiers before democracy can be introduced in Afghanistan.  
What kind of democracy are the Americans introducing in Afghanistan?    A country ruled by soldiers and military force has in my  opinion nothing to do with democracy.  As far as I know, one can NOT buy/purchase from any retailer.   So why does Americans ask for more money?  Do they intend to give money to the various tribal leaders in Afghanistan to back the Jewish controlled puppet, Hamid Karzai, whom the USA has introduced as president to the Afghan people?    Whatever their intentions were, they are now asking NATO countries to supply soldiers that can protect the parliament while the politicians debate the wording  of the new constitution.
Have you ever before heard that a parliament needed military protection  because it is debating the wording of a new constitution?  Such ONLY happens in dictatorships!!  So that must be what Americans are about to give Afghanistan.   Did your Congressman tell you the USA sent soldiers to Afghanistan to introduce dictatorship there?   None of the Norwegian politicians have told the citizens of Norway that their sons are in Afghanistan to protect the future dictator.   I presume assume that is the  case even in your country.   As I read the signs, Americans want to turn the Afghanistan they took over after the war into a dictatorship where Jews can make money from drugs.   Further, the Jews have an agenda regarding transport of oil and gas from the Caspian Sea to India via pipelines through Afghanistan.   The reason for USA's war on Afghanistan was NOT the so-called attack on the WTC and the Pentagon on 9/11, but the refusal of the Taliban government to allow US oil companies to build pipelines through Afghanistan.
Weapons in Afghanistan
Various reports are available saying Afghanistan is flooded with weapons.   The same reports says the tribal leaders buy weapons from what they earn from the drug traffic.  Further, the same reports say the leaders pay soldiers from the same money.   None of the reports say where the leaders buy the weapons.   Could that be because Jews are the weapons dealers?   It is a well know fact that most weapon dealers in the world are Jews.  With the military might of all NATO countries including United State of America it should be a piece of cake to stop all weapons traffic to Afghanistan.  But that would say taking away the business of some wealthy and influential Jews.    Which US-politicians or European for that matter would do so?  None.   They all are thinking of the next election when they need the support of the Jews. 
What now??
As long as our politicians are as crooked as they are, and as long as the  Jews have the power over our politicians, we will experience more and more young people being killed by heroin from Afghanistan and more and more of our soldiers being killed in the "protection" of the Afghan democracy.
Can we do anything?
We can tell all our friends what is going on.  We should use every  opportunity we get to tell others what the politicians are doing and that they are sending our soldiers to protect a tyranny.
It would be best if we started by organizing in groups  for the protection of  our country.   But we must get rid of the enemy within our boarders first.
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and outright lies, resistance  must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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