Saturday, December 29, 2012

Iraqi People Willing to Die for Country and Leader

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,

I do not know what the warmongers said to the White House regarding  Iraqi resistance if the JSA (Jewnited States of America) decided to invade Iraq.  Neither do I know what if any questions the White House and Pentagon uttered. But the leadership in the White House and the Pentagon could not have been reflecting the will of the Iraqi people to fight against the invasion of their country. Or could it be that the warmongers knew there would be an uprising against the invaders and the warmongers kept this a secret in order to get rid of Iraqis? If the latter is the truth it is not the first time the Jews use Christian soldiers to kill Muslems.  

Any people being invaded will rise against the invaders. That was even  normal in Europe before WW2.  The only time an invading army was seen as liberators was when German troops invaded countries under Soviet occupation. Here the troops were greeted as liberators by the majorities of the people.  Not because the Germans were especially liked, but because they drove away the Jewish oppressors. In numerous villages the inhabitants killed Jews who did not leave with the Soviet troops as they left.

The Iraqis have experienced the truth of a Jewish invasion - the Iraqis  know the Jews are out to take over the oil of Iraq and to make Iraq a subsidiary of Israel.  To reach this goal the Jews have contacted politicians all over the region.  They have contacted Turkey as they did in 1913 when the Jewish US-ambassador Morgenthau contacted the leadership of the Ottoman Empire. That time the Jews were out to get Turkey to help them in getting access to Palestine.  Morgenthau failed, but the event showed the Jews had good contacts with the Armenian diaspora which promised Morgenthau they would do whatever they  could.  In this war the politicians of Turkey said NO to allowing JSA access for their troops to Northern Iraq, not because the politicians were especially friendly to Iraq or Saddam Hussein, but because the people of Turkey were against it and the politicians were afraid of their positions in a post-war Turkey.

Why do the warmongers want  to kill Iraqis?
We must remember that to the Jews Iraq is still the homeland of  Hammon and his children - this even though they had Hammon and ten of his sons killed some 3,000 years ago.  A people so sick that they celebrate the killing of  adversaries are capable of anything.   We must remember that the warmongers are Khazars and their bible is the Talmud - not the Bible you and I read.  The Talmud only acknowledges the Jews as human beings. You and I are looked upon as animals in human form - a form we were given so the Jews would not be sick when they looked at us which they have to do since we are their slaves.

When these warmongers look at the world they see too many slaves.   Since every slaveholder must feed his slaves, the killing of slaves is a way to reduce costs.
Terror in Iraq
Before the war JSA told us ALL people of Iraq lived under terror.   What surprises me is that hardly any Iraqis have fled the country after the war started.  On  television I heard a reason why so few or rather hardly anyone had fled:  No Iraqi officials wanted to sign documents allowing Iraqis to leave the country.  ONLY in a Jewish fictitious world do fugitives need such documents.

' Saddam Hussein
As Saddam was elected leader by 100 percent of the Iraqis, the JSA  said the election was false.  The same they said about all elections in Germany between 1930 and 1934.  Neither Saddam nor Hitler needed to put pressure on the public. Saddam is loved by his countrymen, not because he treats them special - but because he is their leader.  A non-Jewish leader being loved by the people is unthinkable to Jews.  In fact a leader being respected by the people is UNTHINKABLE to the Jews.  The Jews only want you as voter to be happy you can vote for a leader the Jews have selected for you.  Because, as the Jews like to tell you, "You live in a democracy!"
  Goerg W Bush Jr.    one should not believe he is President of USA
President Bush Jr was wanted as president by less than 25 percent of  all Americans.   In an election where all candidates were allowed and had the possibility to participate he would not have had a snowball's chance in hell to be elected.  How many would have voted for a man the Jews wanted as a president if the JSA had a free press????
Weapons of mass destruction
As the war goes on, less and less is spoken about these weapons.  The  Kurds found some documents, dated back to before 1986 as they took a Iraqi stronghold in the beginning of April 2003.  Some JS-soldiers found some protective suits and some bottles containing unknown substances.  According to the major TV-stations the Swede, Hans Blix, who is married to a Jewess, said the JSA will find proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction after the Iraqi army was defeated.   Blix, as leader of the UN-inspectors, could not find any such weapons.  But then again Mr Jew-Blix could not plant evidence in Iraq.
Iraq is bankrupt?
According to major TV-stations Iraq has a huge debt and is actually  bankrupt.   Yes, I said that they claim Iraq, which has the world's second-largest oil reserves, is bankrupt, and she has enormous debt.  How come???  Sorry, but the TV-stations did not say. Let us speculate a little on this. 

First the facts. Besides having the second largest reserves in the world,  Iraq has exported oil for over 50 years before 1991 - the first JSA/JK-Iraq war.  They had no debt then and could not have built up a debt since. Why?? Because the UN did not allow Iraq to export oil unless it was to pay for food and medicine and other help to the people.   Iraq have closed NO loans since 1973.   Bankrupt???   NO!

Why does Iraq suddenly "develop" a huge debt??  First, she had to pay  for the war JSA/JK started on Iraq in 1991, when George Bush Sr was president. Second, Iraq has to pay for this war. But most of all the Jews need an excuse to start selling the Iraqi oil wells after the JSA has installed General Garner as senator. By doing so, the Jews first get paid a bonus for starting the war and then they get the income from swindling the Iraqi people of their inheritance. 

In this we must not forget what the Talmud says:
"All goyim valuables belong to the first Jew who lays his hands on  them."  Babha Bathra (54b)
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to  seize upon it without any scruples."

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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