Thursday, January 24, 2013

Japan ready to capitulate before the atomic bombing
Written by Dr. Rolf Kosiek
Translated by Dagmar Brenne

According to general opinion the two atomic bombs, which were exploded over Japan on the 6th and  9th of. August 1945, were necessary to force Japan to capitulate and thereby end World War Two in the Far East. These bombs cost at least 110,000 lives in Hiroshima and at least 36,000 lives in Nagasaki , as well as many other casualties and injuries in people over intervening years. For example, the “Chronicle of the 20th Century” stated on the 6th of August 1945: “The USA force Japan to capitulate by deployment of the devastating weapon. (1)”
This is by no means correct. Japan was prepared to capitulate even beforehand and had signaled this readiness in February 1945,  via Moscow (2). The Allies nevertheless chose to ignore it. Moscow  still desired to enter the war against Japan, even though Japan, despite pressure from Germany, had not declared war against the USSR throughout the entire second World War. This resulted in Stalin's war-deciding opportunity in autumn 1941 to throw all of his Eastern Siberian forces against the offensive of German troops before Moscow, who then declared war on Japan  on the 8th of August 1945, in order to effect claims of territory against Tokyo, among it the North Kuril Islands. Only after the second atomic bombing did the USA accept Japans offer to capitulate.
The main reason as cited by Washington, was not that the explosion of the atomic bombs shortened the war and saved the lives of many US soldiers, but rather, that the atomic bomb, which had initially been developed to be deployed against Germany, but was only ready for use until after Germany's armed forces had already capitulated in July 1945. Its devastating force had to be demonstrated to the Russians, who as fellow victors needed to see the superior power of the USA, and to forestall any future military conflict. For this reason hundreds of thousands of civilians had to die.

 On 2. September 1945, the Japanese Armistice delegation appeared before General Douglas MacArthur. On the left: Prime Minister Mamoru Shigemtsu, General Yoshijiro Umezu.
If you have opinions og thes, contact me:
1- “Chronicle of the 20. century”, Chronik Publishers in Bertelsmann Publishing Company, Gütersloh 1999, S. 280.
2- Detailed documents relating to it from US sources by: Mansur Khan, “The secret history of American wars. Conspiracy and war in American foreign politics,” Grabert, Tübingen 1998, page 224f, also Liddell Hart, “History of the Second World War”, Econ, Düsseldorf-Wien 1972, Volume II, P. 858 f.

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