Thursday, January 24, 2013

Required Reading for all Two Seedline Promoters!
It is clear that the theory of the two seedline was a common teaching  by the old Rabbi's of Judaism. Consider these extractions from their Talmud and Targums and Encyclopedia's to validate the origins of this perverted theory!  Consider:
Yebamoth 103b--Rabbi Johanan stated: "When the serpent copulated  with Eve, he infused her with lust."
Haye Sarah 126a --Another Rabbi states: "Thus I have learnt, that  when the serpent had intercourse with Eve he injected defilement into her."
Haye Sarah 126b--Another stated: "You rightly said that when the  serpent had carnal intercourse with Eve he injected into her defilement."
Yevamot 103b--"According to the midrash, the snake seduced her to  commit adultery with him. Thus a thrice repeated saying of Rabbi Yohanan has it that 'at the time that the snake had intercourse with Eve, he introduced filth into her..."
Ahare Moth 76b--One Rabbinic source stated: "Eve bore Cain from the  filth of the serpent, and therefore from him were descended all the wicked generations, and from his side is the abode of spirits and demons."
Bereshith 36b--"For two beings had intercourse with Eve, and she  conceived both and bore two children. Each followed one of the male parents, to this side and one to the other, and similarly their characters."
Shabbath 146a--"For when the serpent came upon Eve he injected lust  into her."
Yevamot 103b--" the time that the snake had intercourse with Eve,  he introduced filth into her.
Zohar I, 28b--"For they are the children of the ancient serpent which  seduced Eve..."
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan--"Adam knew about his wife Eve that she had conceived by Sammael the angel of the Lord, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain."
Jewish Encyc.1904-Vol.9.p.70--"The chief functions fo Satan are, as  already noted, those of temptation, accusation, and punishment. He was an active agent in the fall of man(Pirke R.El.Xii.) and was the father of Cain."
Jewish Encyc.1904-Vol.5,p.275-"Eve became pregnant, and bore Cain  and Abel on the very day of (her creation and) expulsion from Eden (Gen.R.xii)  Cain's real father was not Adam, but one of the demons..."
Pirqei de Rabbi Eliezer: "The serpent came into her and she became  pregnant with Cain, as it says, "And the man knew his wife Eve."What did he know" That she was already pregnant.(by Satan.)
Targum of Jonathan--"And Adam was aware that Eve his wife had  conceived from Sammael the angel, and she became pregnant and bare Cain, and he was like those on high, not like those below; and she said, 'I have acquired a man, the angel of the Lord."
Jerusalem Targum--"And Adam knew his wife, who had desired the  Angel; and she conceived, and bare Cain; and she said, I have acquired a man, the Angel of the Lord. And she added to bear from her husband Adamhis twin, even Abel."
The Encycl.Britannica Vol.VIII-1910.p.122 (Jewish Interpretations of  Scripture) "The birth of Cain is ascribed to a union of Satan with Eve."
Jewish Encycl.1905.Vol.XI p.69--"Satan was the seducer and  paramour of Eve."
Legends of the Bible-Louis Ginsberg,p.54-"Satan, in the guise of the  serpent, approached her and the fruit of their union was Cain, the ancestor of all impious generations that were rebellious toward God, and rose up against Him. Cain's descent from Satan, who is the angel Sammael, was revealed in his seraphic appearance. At his birth, the exclamation was wrung from Eve, 'I have gotten a man, through an angel of the Lord."
Identity Bible Reference Manual Vol.II-Rev. G.Udvary--We believe  that there is not one, but two fathers to the human race and that Satan sired children bringing them into this world through the seedline of Cain.(Matt.13:38, 1 John 3:10) These people are eternal enemies of the household of Yahweh."
The Curse of Canaan - Eustace Mullins,pp3,5,35--"...Satan...was the  serpent who entered into and seduced Eve, producing the first murderer, Cain."
"The prince of darkness had a number of disguises, but when he  incarnated sexual desire, as he did for Eve, he always appeared as a serpent."
"...God accepted the offering from Abel, but rejected the offering of  Cain because he was untrustworthy, the is, he was of the serpent."
Last Battle Cry, Jarah B.Crawford.pp.333-334, 337,4-5--"Cain's father  was Satan: Abel's father was Adam. Eve had conceived in the garden with Satan. She conceived again in 4:1 with Adam. If Cain and Abel were twins, then Eve's pregnancy carried two conceptions."
"...The Jews, were of mixed blood; they were half-breeds...This is why  Jesus could acknowledge that they were of Abraham's seed, because on one side of their ancestry they could actually trace their lineage back to Abraham. But on the other side of their ancestry Jesus traced it back to the devil himself."
In light of these facts, it can be seen that these Jewish inspired   interpretations as applied to these chapters of Genesis resulted from failing to observe the very basic interpretation for it was based not on the loose translation of the minor and secondary meaning ofthe words selected, but most importantly the meanings were taken out of context.  No credence, therefore, could be given to it.
The picture conjured up by this false interpretation truly is saddening,  for it dengrated Eve who, it was decreed, was to become the Mother of all in whom was Life or Life-Giver. For while Adam and Eve's condition was now one of death, through Eve alone could natural life continue. But more significantly, by Woman alone was to come the "promised seed" which was to "bruise the serpents head".
This promised seed of woman anticipated a Deliverer, the Messiah, the  Redeemer of Israel for Woman does not carry a physical seed any more than does a Satan, as an implied spirit being, have a physical seed!..
By this pronouncement and the fact that God has, throughout the ages,  chosen women of the highest purity and character to be instruments in the carrying out of His purpose here on earth (and has protected them on occasion to insure that purity) it is inconceivable that Eve could be considered to be any less than Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel or Ruth. No, not under any circumstances would Eve have been the woman portrayed by this erroneous interpetation.!!!
Thanks for Listening!
J. Richard Niemela.
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