They are about to destroy us
The New Stürmer
Volume 4
Please send this to all your friends. Ask them for support of the Germanic people living at the northern out-scout of Europe. Tell everybody the Jews are about to destroy us.
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Regarding Jesus saaying on the Jews see John 8;43-44
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Using the power of television the Jews are about to destroy our Germanic background.
Newly one of the Swedish state-television stationed viewed a program where they told the viewers that not only people of Germanic race lived in Scandinavia and Northern Germany 3,000 years ago. The moderator a woman of Middle east view, dark hair, dark eyes and curved, wide nose told the Swedes how their ancestors in 18-century lied about the cradle of the German people.
She even managed to say that the Germanic ornamentation was copied from Roma some 2000 years ago.
In a program lasting 60 minutes it took her 20 minutes to reach to the clue:
Nazi-Germ any misusing the Germanic heritage of the Germanic people in their politics.
Some lemming-scientists spoke of grave-findings in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. But what they said ended up in: IT ALL CAME FROM ROME!
Even an Asian "scientist" were allowed to speak of her view on the ancient people who used to live in Norther Europe. They were according to her: Multi-racial.
The jew-lemmings did not explain why we are blond and have blue/grey or green eyes, Neither could the so-called scientists explain why our skin is different from that of any other race.
What will the next be???
Unless we - the Germanic people of the world - join our forces and fight Satan himself, the Jews, we will be destroyed as a race.
We will lose everything which our ancestors made. Leiv Eriksson did not discover Vinland/America.
Our saga with or ancient belief will be passed on as written by jews.
WE can THANK the Jews, the world’s Satan, for the destruction of our world. We must not sit still and accept this!
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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