Friday, January 25, 2013


The New Stürmer
Year 1999
 Dear friends!
"It is my profound opinion that Judaism must perish"
"Remember, it was the Jews who declared war on Germany on March 24, 1933"
You must surely have heard about attacks on Jewish synagogues, the smashing of windows in Jewish houses and synagogues, the burning of Jewish meeting houses etc.
All such events seem to take place on Jewish holidays when the Jews are particularly vulnerable.
I often wonder why these things happen on Jewish holidays, dates which Whites would hardly know or have heard of. Could it be that some of the many Jewish organizations are attacking their own just to cause an uproar, or to give their brethren a small taste of "Anti-Semitism" just to force them back into line. The rabbis used to do so after the Jews started to become emancipated in the last century.
A little injection of persecution can do wonders in the paranoiac mind of Jews.
Why not have a bombing in Tel Aviv, killing innocent Jews, to raise sympathy for Jews all over the world. The Jewish controlled media have a great time attacking all kinds of patriotic people around the world. Such events even increase economic support for the state of Israel. It also helps the world to forget that the state of Israel is using torture on it's prisoners. All the world acquiesces to this inhuman behaviour in Israel but denounces the same behaviour elsewhere. Could it be that a bomb in Israel could divert non-Jewish minds regarding this inhuman behaviour in Israeli prisons?
I do not support bombing - whether done by Jews or other fanatics.
Several decades ago Germany was experiencing some parades and gatherings where the swastika was waved and songs from the Hitler-era were sung. Among other things this led to German politicians passing laws forbidding these nascent German parties. Recently a Czech service officer, a Jew now living in USA, admitted he had been in charge of this campaign which was organized from Prague. This activity was aimed at removing German patriots from the body politic in West Germany.
In March 1998 a bomb exploded outside a synagogue in Moscow. Nobody was injured. What did this lead to? Many Russian Jews asked to immigrate to Germany. Here, together with 40,000 other recently arrived Russian Jews, they could live off German taxpayers. Of all these Jews only 8% are working, and they work as social agents among their own. The rest are permanent holiday makers whose vacation is paid for by Germans.
It must be nice to be a Jew in Germany, but I do not understand why they want to live among people who "killed" so many of their brethren during WWII. Or is it that they live in Germany because they know that the Germans did not kill any Jews by gas or in other devious ways?

Is it in their genes? Yes, it must be, because only Jews display such paranoia!
 I think they are paranoid because of their study of the talmud and because they know that we know what is written in these devious books. They are afraid that one day the Aryan people of the world will once again take actions against the oppression the Jews have inflicted on Aryans for more than 200 years and for all the money and other valuables the Jews have stolen from us.
For more than 2000 years the Jewish nation whenever it has had the opportunity has oppressed the White people around it. During the Roman Empire some Jews moved to Sicily. There the Jews killed more than half the male inhabitants of Sicily. The following uproar among the Sicilians led to the Jews being thrown off the island. For centuries afterwards ships that wrecked on Sicilian shores were not helped if there were jews on board.
Looking at them and how they used to live in ghettos, we must ask ourselves - why did they live in ghettos? They were not forced by Non-jews to live like that in the beginning. It was their rabbis who wanted the Jews close to themselves to prevent the Jews from learning that Non-jews paid less tax than the Jews. Non-jews only paid tax to the ruler. The Jews had to pay tax to both the ruler and to the rabbis. As the emancipation started among the Jews the rabbis invented Anti-Semitism to keep their flock under their control.
Imagine yourselves being taught not only bad things about other human beings, but being told that they are and must be your eternal enemies who are out to steal whatever is most dear to you. Such teachings must necessarily lead to you becoming paranoid. Constantly taught over centuries this fear of other people will settle in your blood and genes.
Then you have the teachings of the talmud and other Jewish laws as a way of life. All this must enforce a paranoia in the mind of those learning it. If every day for the first seven years of your you are told that every man and woman not belonging to your race/tribe or faith must be hated and that they are animals, you would start believing it and act accordingly. This talmudic/Jewish teaching has been going on for over 2000 years. No wonder it is in the genes of the Jews.

Israeli pimps annually import 2000 Russian and Ukrainian women from their pimping brethren. The figure of 2,000 Russian and Ukrainian women a year comes from the Jerusalem Post of December 28, 1998: -- quote -- "Women are sold into the sex business in Israel for between $5,000 and $15,000, while the pimps who buy them can earn between $10,000 and $50,000 a year per woman.... According to the Israel Women's Network, 2,000 women a year are brought to Israel from the CIS and forced to work as prostitutes." -- end quote -- "CIS" is an abbreviation for Commonwealth of Independent States, primarily Russia and the Ukraine.
Those of you who think that pimps can not be Jews, must think again. Only Jews can have a legal business in Israel.   It is actually legal for Jews to pimp in Israel.
What does the Western World do? Nothing!!!!! You cannot destroy a Jewish business, and anyway what harm is done. It's only some gentile girls (shiksas) that are being misused? No harm to any Israelis. Let the business prosper!
Are these the kind of people that we want living among us? NO!!!!! Let's remove the Jews from our midst!
Heil og sael

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