Banking & federal reserve
A Brief History of Banking As time passed, the goldsmiths began to issue receipts for specific values of gold, making buying and selling easier still. The smiths' receipts thus became the first banknotes. The goldsmiths, now fledgling bankers, noticed that at any one time only a small proportion of the gold held with them was being withdrawn. So they hit upon the idea of issuing more of the receipt notes themselves, notes that did not refer to any actual deposited wealth.
How Banks Work Why do we feel better about having our money in a bank than we do having it under a mattress? Is it just the fact that they pay interest on some of our accounts? Is it because we know that if we have the cash in our pockets we'll spend it?
controlling the world's monetary system the bank for international settlements While the Federal Reserve is a private corporation, it is also one of the owners of the Bank for International Settlements-BIS which America helped establish in 1930.
Proof of the Banking Conspiracy A Message from the Past Every dollar printed by a bank requires a payment of interest in return. Before the Federal Reserve printed the money, private banks were given charters to print the money - these private banks have always been paid interest.
The Federal Reserve and the National Debt The process is repeated over and over, with "hard" assets pledged as collateral for these "loans". Thus, it starts with "no money" and ends up with houses, cars, land, silver, gold...real assets...and all it took was some ink, some paper, and the cooperation of Congress.
The Federal Reserve is Privately owned The FED began with approximately 300 people or banks that became owners (stockholders purchasing stock at $100 per share - the stock is not publicly traded) in the Federal Reserve Banking System. They make up an international banking cartel of wealth beyond comparison.
The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families who own the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and associated cartels. They also control the World Bank and IMF.
The united states Of America is a corporation owned by foreign interests "It was also a strategic maneuver by British and European interests (international bankers) intent on gaining a stranglehold on the coffers of America. And, because Congress knew our country was in dire financial straits, certain members of Congress cut a deal with the international bankers.
United states of America History and international bankers history The International Banking House of Rothschild had already gained controlling influence over France and England by the early 1800's and was extending it's influence into the newly independent United States through their agents, notably Alexander Hamilton from New York.
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