by Sherman H.
There are many
big secrets with Coca-Cola. Naturally, the monopoly
press, with their financial and espionage hang-ups and
conflicts of interest, are certainly in no position to
ever tell you about it.
Since started
several decades after the American Civil War, what was
it that made Coca-Cola so popular? There were already
plenty of drinks that could have been more popular.
The answer is
simple. Coke had a secret formula base made up from
processing coca leaves, the by-product of which is
cocaine. Up to the beginning of the 20th Century, the
Coca-Cola creators did say that their beverage had
cocaine. And in 1903, they were taken to task by
authorities for having cocaine in their drink which for
many years in the beginning, was available as a soda
fountain drink in pharmacies.
For a hundred
years now, however, Coca-Cola Company has denied they
ever had cocaine and that they deny that it has cocaine
Heroin causes a
physical reaction when used and a terrible wrenching of
the person when they seek to withdraw. Cocaine
addiction, on the other hand, is primarily subconscious.
Up to 1989, when you started drinking Coke, you got that
"kick". Some even claimed that it had some unknown
medicinal way of making you feel better. One long-time
head of Coca-Cola Company contended it helped relieve
pain left-over from a childhood head injury he suffered
But 1989 was a
turning point. As we have pointed out earlier in this
series, the secret base for Coca-Cola is made by Stepan
Chemical Company, of Northfield, Illinois, a suburb of
Chicago, through their Maywood Chemical Division in New
I once
interviewed, on tape, a top official of Stepan, who
admitted that cocaine was a by-product of their
processing of coca leaves for the secret Coca-Cola base,
They supply, he added, cocaine for the pharmaceutical
And that is
where George Herbert Walker Bush has to be inserted into
the picture. After eleven and a half months in 1976 as
Director of Central Intelligence, he became a Director
of Eli Lilly Company, which reportedly gets their
cocaine from Stepan. Somewhere, somehow, cocaine "leaks
out" into the dope underground. Whether between Stepan
and Coke's bottlers or otherwise.
Daddy Bush's
power and fortune, in greater part, is based from the
beginning on dope and espionage. He was with the
American CIA since 1959. As shown, by the way, by an FBI
document, he helped cover up some of the
post-assassination details as to the wipe-out of
President John F. Kennedy. (The document is attached to
our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush".)
His firm, which
the British royals helped found, was Zapata Petroleum,
later called Zapata Offshore. They had branches around
the world. Among other things, they did offshore
drilling for oil, beyond the U.S. and other nation's
jurisdiction. So dope production centers, like Colombia,
Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and others could have
helicopters fly to the Zapata offshore drilling
platforms, supposedly to bring routine supples.
Actually, according to Reuters News items some years
ago, the helicopters landed there as a transit point for
the dope trafficking.
And thus some
dope ended up in the U.S. An easier way, of course, was
through "leakage" in the processing and handling of
Coca-Cola's secret base. But by 1989, blackmailers,
among the top officials of the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, began poking around Coca-Cola and asking
sticky questions. So Coke, in the dark brown beverage
for the U.S., lessened the cocaine content in the secret
It was at that
point that Daddy Bush, a major baron in dope
trafficking, began making his move. That was right after
he was inaugurated as U.S. President.
He ordered U.S.
Troops to invade a foreign sovereignty, Panama, having
one of the few leaders considered "of color" in the
Western Hemisphere, Manuel Noriega; kidnapped Noriega,
brought him to trial in Florida. Noriega's defense
attorneys were forbidden by a CIA-captive Federal Judge
from using any details that showed that Daddy Bush and
Noriega were actually in the dope traffic together
through Colombia, adjacent to Panama. Some newspapers
did run a picture showing Daddy Bush and Noriega talking
to one another at a business meeting.
(Also, the Bush
Crime Family got into a business partnership with
Colombia druglord, Carlos Lehder, who was extradicted to
Florida and testified in a way about Norieaga,
protecting the Bushies. Lehder's own prison sentence was
lessened. And then, Lehder disappeared entirely from the
U.S. Prison System. Chandra Levy wiggled her way into a
key post in the Prison System Press Office, began
checking on how and why Lehder disappeared from prison
custody. And this led to her murder. See our website
series "The Chandra Levy Affair".)
Daddy Bush also
in 1989, knew that CIA's involvement with driving the
Soviets out of Afghanistan was ended. AND, that the Bush
Crime Family's business partnership with Osama bin Laden
and others of the bin Laden family, in the major opium
trade from Afghanistan, through Saudi, and then to
Europe, would have to come eventually under more direct
control by the Bushies.
So, in 1989, the
business of Coca-Cola Company changed, They lessened the
trace of cocaine in their beverage for distribution in
the United States. And their U.S. market share centages
began leveling off. It had nothing to do, really, with
competence or incompetence of their marketing big
cheeses, their advertising agency personnel, or anything
of the sort. In the U.S., those opening up a container
of Coke did not get that same "kick" they got from the
drink in years past.
On the other
hand, elsewhere in the world, sales of Coke outran most
every local beverage. And there were plenty of foreign
beverages with traditional flavors. Yet, Coke outsold
them. WHY? Simple. For foreign consumption Coke had
cocaine in the secret base.
So those
drinking Coke overseas, subconsciously got addicted to
Coca-Cola. It made them feel better, some thought it
even made certain pains and troubles seem to go away.
And Coke's marketing experts spread the fairy tale that
it had to do with their great brilliant advertisements
on television, even in places where only ten per cent of
the populace had tv sets.
But some foreign
governments began reacting. Overseas, Coke did not
contribute heavily to local charities, high school
sports teams, and such, as they do in the U.S. So, in
Belgium, Spain, Italy, and India, among numerous other
places, the authorities swooped down on Coke. There were
claims that Coke allowed toxic substances to get into
the drink. There were claims of Coke not keeping proper
records. Whole offices of Coke's records and equipment
were hauled away, to send a message to Atlanta, Georgia,
Coke's headquarters.
In a way, it was
also sending a message to the bosses at the American spy
agency, so directly hooked to Coca-Cola. Coke's overseas
offices, like those in the monopoly press, are vacuum
pumps for intelligence, moreso than for gathering news
or marketing the beverage whose great worldwide demand
is driven by the subconscious addiction to cocaine in
And Coke
developed other strange situations. They set up in
Ireland, a major center for putting their ingredients
together including the secret base containing cocaine.
There were reports, difficult to get anyone to publicly
confirm, that the IRA (the Irish Republican Army) had
some arm-lock on the plant in Ireland putting together
the Coca-Cola concentrate. (That is not to say, that ALL
of those in the IRA had something to do with this.)
And then there
were published reports that the IRA together with the
Russian mafiya, were active in the dope trafficking from
Colombia. The Bush White House, seldom mentioned, has
sent several thousand U.S. Troops into Colombia to
protect Coca-Cola's facilities and their purported
purchases, by them, or their secret base processors, of
coca leaves.
The most
mysterious development of 1989? Somehow, Coca-Cola
Company failed to renew their copyright. And so, it is
now owned by a skilled storyboard producer in Indiana.
See the earlier parts of this series of those details.
And as stated in
the earlier parts of this series, starting later in the
1990s, was the corruption of the Federal Judges in
Chicago as to a copyright case against Coca-Cola. And,
aided by Coca-Cola dope funds, the corruption in 2000,
of some of the 5-Judge, military-style Junta on the U.S.
Supreme Court in the Bush versus Gore litigation
installing Bush as the resident and occupant of the Oval
Office. (For details see earlier parts of this series.)
In February,
2004 was published "The Real Thing--Truth and Power at
the Coca-Cola Company" by Constance L. Hays, a writer
for the New York Times; Random House publishers. She
continues the fairy tale in her book that Coca-Cola is
getting more popular overseas because of the great
marketing and advertising efforts of Coca-Cola. She has
reportedly also stated that the trace of cocaine in Coke
ended in 1989.
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