The Root Cause Of
Terrorism And The Christian Conspiracy In Indonesia
Zul Qadah 15,
1431 A.H, Sunday, October
The issue of terrorism has always been a public concern in
Indonesia. Diverse opinions are expressed, diverse solutions
are proposed, but very rarely people see the root cause of the
President SBY, aided by his aides,
tried to convince that the root cause of terrorism is
poverty and ignorance. An analysis that is not so
intelligent, keeping in mind that some of those alleged as
terrorists are not ignorant or poor people.
Dr. Azahari Husin (1957 – 2005) for
example, was a doctor and lecturer in a renowned university.
It’s clear that he is not ignorant, and also not poor or
unemployed without a job. On the world level, the accused
leader of terrorists is Usamah bin Ladin, a university
graduate and an entrepreneur in a leading Construction
Company in the Middle East. The deputy of Usamah is Dr.
Ayman Azh-Zhawahiri, a surgeon. So, very ignorant is he who
thinks that Ayman is poor and ignorant.
From the examples mentioned earlier,
it’s clear that the analysis above is less valid, if not
without basis. It is also probable that the ones without
basis is not SBY, but his aides and whisperers.
On the other hand, the liberal and
secular camp see that the cause is the teachings of Islamic
religion. The verses and hadiths that encourage radical
behaviors are accused and made as scapegoat. This is in line
with the efforts of America to eliminate the points in the
Islamic Shari'a concerning jihad fie sabilillah
which are considered as the source of the ideology of
terrorism. In the Middle East for example, they are
circulating the Furqanul Haq. A version or edition
of Al-Quran minus the verses of jihad.
Whereas, it is not just Islam, other
religions also have the concept of “jihad”. Just look at
Christianity, what had made them able to launch the Crusades
for some centuries, if not their concept of Holy War?
So the views of this liberal and
secular camp is not fair. They want the world to be peaceful
and safe from terrorism, but its key is by castrating the
fighting spirits of the Islamic ummah against
oppression and colonialism. Well, it’s understood, their
masters, the Western colonialist nations, are very afraid to
face the jihad resistance of the Muslims.
In the past, the British created a deviated sect (cult) called Ahmadiyah in India, which it occupied at that time. The leader, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, forbade jihad against the British. He also brought credits to the British by regarding them as the great master who must be obeyed. What's even crazier, he claimed to be a prophet and declared kafir the Muslims who did not believe in his prophethood.
In the past, the British created a deviated sect (cult) called Ahmadiyah in India, which it occupied at that time. The leader, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, forbade jihad against the British. He also brought credits to the British by regarding them as the great master who must be obeyed. What's even crazier, he claimed to be a prophet and declared kafir the Muslims who did not believe in his prophethood.
It is very clear that the British
wanted to weaken the jihad spirit of Islam so that they
could freely colonize India. To control and deplete its
natural resources. A method of neutralizing the enemies so
as not to continue the fight.
Whereas, fighting against oppression,
war and military is a humane thing. Human beings certainly
want to survive. Human beings certainly want to resist if
they are oppressed and unjustly treated. Whatever their
religion, whatever their race. Even the ants bite if the
human harm their nests.
The terrorism which is pointed at a
group from the Islamic ummah who are conducting
jihad is actually an attempt of resistance. The Islamic
ummah have been occupied, oppressed and their wealth
drained, for too long. There were already too much blood
shed by the Western kafir colonialist nations.
The “terrorists” are attacking the
civilian targets because the British, America and other
invaders have no feeling of inhibition in massacring the
Muslim civilians. The “terrorists” are blowing up bombs
because the occupied countries of the Muslims are flattened
with missiles and rockets. The “terrorists” are robbing
their enemies because the natural wealth of their countries
are being drained by the invaders with the help of the local
puppets who are faithful to their masters.
The root of the problem of terrorism,
if you want to be honest, actually is the attempts to demand
justice. The serial Christmas bombings and the Bali bombing
were triggered by the Christian attacks on the Muslims in
Ambon. The Muslims were wronged but there was no adequate
and fair protection by the security forces. At this point, a
retaliation became the choice.
In fact, if we draw back further, the
emergence of the Dar ul-Islam (DI/TII) in 1949 was
also a reaction of the Muslims against injustices. In the
beginning, the Muslims and Christians already agreed in the
formulation of the UUD (the Constitution) 1945. The
Panitia Sembilan (the nine-member committee tasked to
formulate the Indonesian state’s foundation stated in the
UUD 1945 – ed) agreed on the Jakarta Charter which
guaranteed the application of the Islamic Shari'a
for the Muslims, with the formulation of “Spirituality with
the obligation to apply the Islamic Shari’a for its
Only a day after the country got
independent, the agreement was already betrayed, a leader of
the Christians from East Indonesia threatened to split from
NKRI (Unitary/Unified Republic of Indonesia). Through a
Japanese officer, that Christian leader pressured Soekarno
and Hatta to remove the obligation to implement the
Shari'a of Islam from the constitution. This is the
first seeds of separatism in the history of Indonesia,
threatening to secede from the republic because of envy of
other ummah who want to apply their Shari’a.
As a result, a cruelty on the law took
place, the Islamic ummah are the majority but
inhibited from carrying out their Shari’a. They
were forced to submit to Christian and secular law inherited
from the Dutch. Especially that the diplomacy of Soekarno at
that time was very submissive to the Dutch, the Rennville
negotiation made West Java vacated. It was as if the
territory and its inhabitants who were Muslim were being
surrendered to the Dutch.
This is what triggered the
establishment of Dar ul-Islam, the injustices on
legal issues and the dissatisfaction due to being
surrendered to the Dutch. This is also the root of all the
Islamic resistance in Indonesia. In actual fact, they are
demanding for just one thing, to be able to implement the
Islam Shari’a for themselves.
But the aspiration was always
prevented. The actors were always the same too. The Jakarta
Charter was sabotaged, thanks to the pressure from a
Christian leader. The Renville was signed by PM Amir
Syarifudin, a Christian. The KOMJI or Komando Jihad incident
in 1977 (the arrest of the “fundamentalist” leader of
Dar ul-Islam or also known as NII [Negara Islam
Indonesia/The Indonesian Islamic State] movement and 23
other commanding figures. Some were sentenced to death or
executed by the firing squad – ed) and the bloody Tanjung
Priok incident in 1984 (where hundreds of Islamic activists
were massacred - ed) were masterminded by Benny Moerdani.
Later, the conspiracy was getting more
and more naked. The Muslims in Kalimantan were slaughtered
by the Christian Dayaks, continuing to Ambon and Poso. The
case in Poso in fact showed the presence of a cooperation
between the Protestants and Catholics. The Catholic Fabianus
Tibo and company led the initial attack on Muslims. Later
they were helped by the Protestant groups.
[VIDEO]: Muslims In
Kalimantan Slaughtered By Christian Dayaks (Warning: Graphic
After that, the Muslims reacted and
fought. They succeeded in retaliating and stopping the
cruelties of the Christians. But those who fought were then
given the label terrorists and were swept mercilessly by the
Densus 88. The special unit funded by America and Australia.
The unit is obviously projected to fight against the Muslims. They are praised for arresting, torturing and killing the Muslims. But when they are arresting the RMS (South Maluku Republic) Christian separatist movement, Australia threatened to investigate the case which they considered as “violating the Human Rights”.
Today, the Densus 88 is headed by Gorries Mere. Officially, the commander is Tito Karnavian. But the incident of the unruliness of the Densus toward the Provost AU (Military Police of the Air Forces) in Polonia airport had proven other things. Gorries directly leads the operations on the ground, though he actually served in the BNN (national narcotics agency).
All of the above series of events proves one thing: all the cruelties that befall the Islamic ummah in Indonesia and all over the world is a conspiracy of the Christian Western colonialists along with their local puppets. While all the acts of resistance which are branded as terrorism, is a reaction against those cruelties. This is the real root cause of terrorism.
The unit is obviously projected to fight against the Muslims. They are praised for arresting, torturing and killing the Muslims. But when they are arresting the RMS (South Maluku Republic) Christian separatist movement, Australia threatened to investigate the case which they considered as “violating the Human Rights”.
Today, the Densus 88 is headed by Gorries Mere. Officially, the commander is Tito Karnavian. But the incident of the unruliness of the Densus toward the Provost AU (Military Police of the Air Forces) in Polonia airport had proven other things. Gorries directly leads the operations on the ground, though he actually served in the BNN (national narcotics agency).
All of the above series of events proves one thing: all the cruelties that befall the Islamic ummah in Indonesia and all over the world is a conspiracy of the Christian Western colonialists along with their local puppets. While all the acts of resistance which are branded as terrorism, is a reaction against those cruelties. This is the real root cause of terrorism.
by a Mujahid
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