What's wrong
with the Anti-Defamation League?
The ADL is "...one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure
groups in the U.S...Its primary commitment is to use any technique,
however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and
destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State ('Israel')." --Noam
Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Too many journalists run ADL spin with little real
knowledge about the organization and it's history - even recent history.
Take the case of the couple in Denver, for example.
rules that judgment against ADL stands [FinalCall.com] - A ruling by
a federal judge in Denver March 31 which upheld most of a year-old $10
million jury finding that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) libeled a
couple by falsely portraying them as anti-Semites may at last call into
question the group’s heretofore unassailable reputation as the sole
"defender of the Jews" in America.
Slams ADL for Hurting Couple Tarred As 'Anti-Semites' By Marc
Perelman [forward.com] April 13. 2001 ... "Can you imagine an
organization using money from Marc Rich, a guy who made millions dealing
with anti-Semitic countries like Iran, attacking powerless people for
some alleged anti-Semitic slurs?" he said.
UPHOLDING most of a $10 million defamation suit against the Anti-
Defamation League, a federal judge in Denver has lambasted the
organization for labeling a nasty neighborhood feud as an anti-Semitic
event. In upholding the first-ever court defeat handed to the
87-year-old ADL, U.S. District Judge Edward Nottingham said the
organization had endorsed and publicized the bigotry accusations of a
Jewish couple against its neighbors without either investigating the
case or weighing the consequences.
Judge Slams ADL
for Hurting Couple Tarred As 'Anti-Semites'
"In 1994, Saul F. Rosenthal, director of ADL's Mountain States
region, held a news conference accusing the Quigleys of anti-Semitism."
— Robert Weller, AP May
13, 2000
How many times is the ADL refered to as a "civil rights
organization"? Perhaps they should ask people from the
organizations found in ADL
files. ADL functions more like an agency of the national security
state. They follow people and attempt to demonize people they don't
approve of. When that doesn't work - they either coerce/spin reporters
(and their bosses) into furthering their agenda. ADL is a big business
with fat budgets and a little too close working arrangement with law
enforcement, politicians and media big shots. See:
Fact Sheet on the
I mentioned last week that when the Anti-Defamation League -- or ADL
for short -- handed out press releases on September 24 to newspapers and
other media in which they said that the organization I head, the
National Alliance, is "the single most dangerous organized hate group in
America," and that we are "linked" to bank robberies, bombings, and
murders all over the country, virtually all of the media simply printed
these wild charges without checking them for accuracy. Of all the
hundreds of newspapers which printed the ADL's charges, only one -- West
Virginia's Charleston Gazette -- even bothered to call me first
and ask for my comments.
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith by Dr. William Pierce
They use the "anti-Semitism" label as a weapon to suppress
criticism of Israel.
"The number one goal of the ADL is the protection of Israel," a
former Republican congressman from San Mateo Pete McCloskey told SF
Weekly in a recent interview.
The Anti Defamation
League: Censoring the Internet on Behalf of Israel
They intimidate book, newspaper and magazine publishers
and distributers. They try to get governments in other countries without a
first ammendment to outlaw publications they disagree with.
ADL directory Abraham H. Foxman attempted to intimidate a publisher
into not publishing
A Nation on Trial : The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth by
Norman G. Finkelstein, Ruth Bettina Birn. See: "Cries to Halt
Publication of Holocaust Book" (Arts & Ideas, NYTimes, Jan. 10 '99) and
the comments in a letter to the editor a few days later ... "The Nazis
banned books critical of their views; so did Stalin and so, until
recently, did his successors. That''s how things work in totalitarian
states. Abraham H. Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League calls for the
Birn-Finkelstein book''s suppression. He should not forget that we live
in a free society."
The European/American Issues Forum, a San Francisco Bay Area based
moderate and thoughtful civil rights organization protests Barnes and
Noble joining with the Anti-Defamation League in an effort that purports
to support the teaching of tolerance while practicing the very opposite.
Protesting Barnes and
Noble and the Anti-Defamation League's Book "Hate Hurts..."
They're saying as little as possible in public, they're ashamed of
what they're about, but electronic mail communications obtained by CODOH
confirm that the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel are doing what they
can, under the table, to stop CODOH advertisements from running in
student newspapers across America....
Smith's Report #42
In 1996 the ADL praised the prison sentence meted out to an American
publisher in Germany: "ADL today said it was gratified that a German
court sentenced American...Gary Lauck to four years in prison
for...disseminating anti- Semitic...hate material." .. On March 14, 1996
the B'nai B'rith called a press conference in Toronto urging the
government to arrest revisionist publisher Ernst Zündel for printing
revisionist pamphlets the Zionist group abhors.
Fact Sheet On ADL
They actively promote the Holocaust Industry.
See: THE
HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY [normanfinkelstein.com]
Shoah business [salon.com] "The son of an Auschwitz survivor accuses
the "Holocaust industry," Elie Wiesel and Jewish leaders worldwide of a
vast shakedown. With his clever, explosive and sometimes even wryly
funny little book, "The Holocaust Industry," Norman G. Finkelstein, the
47-year-old enfant terrible of Holocaust studies from Brooklyn, N.Y.,
hit a nerve. Such a big nerve, in fact, that it caused a blackout of
virtually all intellectual circuits ..."
They smear people with the 'Anti-Semite' label.
The leading official monitor of anti-Semitism, the Anti-Defamation
League of B'nai Brith, interprets anti-Semitism as unwillingness to
conform to its requirements with regard to support for Israeli
authorities. These conceptions were clearly expounded by ADL National
Director Nathan Perlmutter, who wrote that while old-fashioned
anti-Semitism has declined, there is a new and more dangerous variety on
the part of "peacemakers of Vietnam vintage, transmuters of swords into
plowshares, championing the terrorist P.L.O.," and those who condemn
U.S. policies in Vietnam and Central America while "sniping at American
defense budgets." He fears that "nowadays war is getting a bad name and
peace too favorable a press" with the rise of this "real anti-Semitism."
The logic is straightforward: Anti-Semitism is opposition to the
interests of Israel (as the ADL sees them); and these interests are
threatened by "the liberals," the churches, and others who do not adhere
to the ADL political line. - Necessary Illusions by Noam Chomsky
Appendix V
Segment 20/33
In an interview with a local Jewish weekly, the Northern California
Bulletin, that turned into a tirade, ADL National Director Abraham
Foxman lashed out at the San Francisco district attorney; the newspapers
that enabled "the D.A. to try us in the media"; critics who call ADL
information-gathering activities "spying"; and, for good measure, all
other "bastards" who are "anti-Semitic, undemocratic, and
anti-American." ... In his book They Dare to Speak Out, former
Congressman Paul Findley quotes Chomsky as saying, "Virtually every talk
I give is monitored, and reports of their alleged contents are sent on
to the league to be incorporated in my file." He added that whenever he
is scheduled to speak, ADL distributes literature in advance containing
distorted or fabricated accounts of his views in an attempt to identify
him as an anti-Semite.
Spy Case Update
Looking for a hate group? Investigate the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL). ADL associate Leonard Dinnerstein, author of "Anti-Semitism in
America," proclaims: "Educated Blacks are the worst anti-Semitic group
in the U.S., and blacks overall have been the most anti-Semitic group
since slavery."
Anti-Defamation League is the hate group, not Schiller Institute
Chuck D Demands Apology For Charges Of Anti-Semitism
Definition: Sem·ite (smt) n. 1. A member of a group of
Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including
the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews,
and Phoenicians. 2. A Jew. Bible. 3. A descendant of Shem. [The American
They try to control what is published online. Their end
run around the First Ammendment is to get private companies to become
the censors when they can't get the government to do it.
In the ADL article "Responding to Extemist Speech Online: 10
Frequently Asked Questions", the ADL explains how they work around the
Constitution to stifle free speech. In this article, the ADL suggests
the following: "Commercial ISPs, such as America Online (AOL), may
voluntarily agree to prohibit users from sending racist or bigoted
messages over their services. Such prohibitions do not implicate First
Amendment rights because they are entered into through private contracts
and do not involve government action in any way.
Role in Internet Censorship
"Concerning B'nai B'rith, the ADL and others, I'm just struck over
and over again how these Jewish organizations condemn and denounce
practices done in this country that they passionately defend when
they're done in Israel. It's a tremendous double standard." ... "'It is
very troubling to us," ADL's complaint to the IRS continues, 'that a
group whose identity centers on refuting the Holocaust should be granted
tax-exempt status,' wrote Elizabeth Coleman, ADL Director, Civil Rights
Division, in a letter to Charles O. Rossotti, Commissioner, IRS." It
might logically be asked what legal difference the IRS could possibly
see between two groups claiming tax-exempt status, one promoting the
conventional view of the Holocaust and the other refuting that view.
(ADL) Hypocritical
Their HateFilter™ "uses the filtering technology of Cyber Patrol®
from the Internet Solutions Group of the Learning Company" to limit
access to sites they consider inappropriate. What sites do they
block? They will not say.
"traditional enemies" of free speech
They ignore the violence of Israelis toward Palestinians
and encourage the U.S. government to initiate violence.
In an ADL press release which was published today you are quoted as
expressing "outrage" at Gush Shalom's portrayal of Prime Minister Barak
as a killer of Palestinian children in a caricature on its web site, and
as stating that "The image of a militant Barak standing on the bleeding
bullet-ridden body of a Palestinian child is abhorrent". We fully share
your feelings of outrage and abhorrence - outrage and abhorrence not at
a cartoon, a few bytes of virtual reality, but at the true cruel reality
which that cartoon faithfully reflects. A reality being enacted day
after day after day in the Occupied Territories, a reality of Israeli
military snipers taking careful aim with their telescopic sights and
shooting high-velocity ammunition at unarmed opponents - men and women,
boys and girls. Snipers aiming carefully at the upper part of the body,
shooting with deliberation and the full intention of causing death or
grave injury. One of these snipers spoke on prime time Israeli TV two
weeks ago, describing quite frankly what he is about.
Defamation from the Anti-Defamation League answered by Robert
Younes, M.D.
Support for Sudan bombing ADL Expresses Support For United
States Strikes Against Terrorist Network In Afghanistan And Sudan New
York, NY, August 20, 1998. - The ADL in one of their press releases
congratulated President Clinton for his "decisive action" in bombing the
Al-Shifa medical plant in the Sudan, and then later the United States
admitted that they might have made a mistake.
and Hillel Student Union
ADL Says State
Department Report on Human Rights is Unfair and Distorted on Israel
They perpetuate Jewish exceptionalism.
God's chosen children: "The Holocaust is something different. It is a
singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near
successful attempt on the life of God's chosen children and, thus, on
God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as
recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived
weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered
from generation to generation." Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of
the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (New York), writing in ADL On
the Frontline (January 1994, page 2)
The life of a Gentile is not worth one Jewish fingernail." (Menechim
ADL tries to stifle Muslim-Jewish Dialogue
Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League in Washington, DC, and
Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America reportedly called on
Jewish leaders to not enter into any agreement with Muslim
Muslim-Jewish Dialogue Dealt a Setback By Pro-Israel Hard Liners
ADL has a history of spying on groups and collecting
information from government agencies.
Organizations found in
ADL files
"I personally have knowledge that ADL has historically attacked black
leadership," said Gaither, a Nation of Islam member. The editorial was
not at all intended "as anything against the Jewish community," he said.
Editorial in Howard U.
paper accuses ADL of spying on blacks
They have a little too cozy relationship with U.S. law
enforcement and foreign spy agencies.
Remarks from CIA chief George Tenet -- an unprecedented admission by
the spy agency of its relationship with ADL -- point to an even more
severe violation of normative separation of chuch and state doctrine
Intelligence and covert operations are much more central to the core
activities of a state than say education or the provision of public
services. Yet, ADL has no qualms about maintaining an insider,
not-at-arms-length relationship with that oh-so-democratic institution,
the Central Intelligence Agency.
Do what we say, not what we do. That could well be the motto of the
Anti-Defamation League. [usajewish.com, April 16, 2000]
In 1993 the ADL illegally obtained California police and government
records in San Francisco on a wide array of dissident political groups
and turned them over to the Israeli government. Due to its enormous
influence, the ADL escaped criminal prosecution in return for paying
$75,000 to groups that fight hate crimes. (8) The ADL "runs a nationwide
surveillance operation on political groups with the assistance of other
law enforcement officials...The ADL spied on political groups in the US
and this information allegedly made its way to Israeli security
authorities." (9)
Fact Sheet on the ADL
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith has maintained close
relationships with law enforcement intelligence units nationwide for
many years. This is consistent with the organization's reliance on
centrist/extremist theory which assumes criminal intent on the part of
militant dissidents. This analytical model, coupled with the increased
influence within ADL of neoconservative political ideology, led ADL to
engage in data collection practices that reflected a serious disregard
for civil liberties and privacy rights.
Repression 2000 by Chip Berlet & Matthew N. Lyons
recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award 2000 was
Richard S. Hirschhaut. Mr. Hirschhaut is the Director of the
Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) Greater Chicago/Upper Midwest Regional
Office. Field
Office Highlights - Chicago - Is the Chicago FBI aware that he
was the chief of the ADL's San Francisco office in 1986 in the time
period of the "ADL spy case"? [hint]
Richard Hirschhaut apparently even introduced Roy Bullock to Thomas
Gerard in 1986.
"I really am happy to be back with the ADL. I feel right at home
here. Since your founding in 1913, you have been an angel on America's
shoulder, summing us to our highest ideas. "
Al Gore, May 9, 2000
ADL goes after people using "anti-defamation" and or
"Anti Discrimination" in their names.
WADL {The Witches Anti Discrimination League ) died a painful death
on the eve of Y2K. Steve Foster, President of WADL National announced
that as of January 1, 2000 WADL National would henceforth be known as
AREN, the Alternative Religious Education Network. After more than 30
years as the premier voice for Pagan and Wiccan culture, WADL was no
more. A very sad day indeed. Sadder still is how our faithful little
anti-discrimination duck met its demise. The ADL (Anti-Defamation League
of B'nai B'rith) killed it....
The Death of a Duck
PRESS CONFERENCE - DEC. 16, 1992 We have called this press conference
to announce that the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith has sued the
American Indian Anti-Defamation Council in Federal Court for the
District of Colorado.
Release - AIADC
On April 16, 1998 we received an email from Jill Kahn Meltzer
advising us "that the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith has the
exclusive right to use the name ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE". See
story and
comments from people about this.
But do they go after the
Anti-Defamation League or the
Anti-Defamation League ? There is even a
Celtic Tiger Anti-Defamation League.
The ADL has too much money.
1998 income of $46,417,023 [Source:
GuideStar 16-May-01]
1999 salary for Abraham Foxman - $389,000
Funding of the Anti-Defamation League and Affiliates
The Rich Foundation has donated about $250,000 to the ADL -
stationery used to support Rich pardon ... Another interesting fact
is that Abraham Foxman met with Marc Rich in the mid 1980s in
Switzerland, shortly after Rich fled the country. He was at the time of
their meeting being sought after by the FBI and the US Marshall Service.
Pro Quo and the ADL’s Modus Operandi
The Maldon Institute in 1993 claimed financial support from
"public–spirited foundations including the Allegheny Foundation, The
Carthage Foundation, the Anti–Defamation League of B’nai B’rith...."
[Source: Chip Berlet,
- What is the connection between the ADL and the Maldon Institute?
People of the Anti-Defamation League
- Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League
- Howard P. Berkowitz, ADL National Chairman
- Mira Lansky Boland - "law-enforcement liasion" - granddaughter of
Meyer Lansky, one of the most powerful mafia figures in US history.
worked for the CIA for 14 months and later was a subcontractor for the
Defense Department before joining the ADL
- Yehudit Barsky, an ADL fact finder in New York
- Jess N. Hordes, ADL Washington Representative
- Bobbie Tobin - Associate Director Denver [Bob
Glass Reminds ADL: "Never Again"]
- Thomas Halpern, Associate Director of the Fact Finding Department
- Richard Hirschhaut - Midwest regional director, chief of the ADL's
San Francisco office in 1986 in the time period of the "ADL Spy Trial" -
ADL seems to recycle it's people like the Catholic church did with
pedophile Priests
- Irwin Suall, ex Director of Special Projects [RIP]
more at: The Face of Hate
Call's for Foxman's resignation
- Memo: To Howard P. Berkowitz, National Chair, Anti-Defamation League
From: Jude Wanniski Re: Your irresponsible national director - "Abe has
become drunk with power, swinging his weight around knowing he can label
anyone who challenges him an anti-Semitic bigot. ... I've concluded
beyond any reasonable doubt that there is not an ounce of anti-Semitism
or bigotry in Farrakhan, ... My conclusion is that Foxman is in the
wrong, not Farrakhan, that the ADL has spent the last 15 years using its
political and financial clout to demonize Farrakhan and financially
destroy the Nation of Islam. "
Fire Abe
Foxman! ... A year ago, Abe, I recommended that Berkowitz fire you
for being at the cutting edge of defamation. Now, I call upon you to
urge Howard to resign. Either that, or change the name of your
organization to: "The
Defamation League."
- Even New York Times columnist William Safire calls for Roxman's
Safire: 'Abe Should Resign'
What is encouraging is to see Jews (and non Jews) working
for peace in Israel - see
‘Not in My
Name’ by Alisa Solomon, Village Voice, May 16 - 22, 2001
What's wrong
with the Anti-Defamation League?
The ADL is "...one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure
groups in the U.S...Its primary commitment is to use any technique,
however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and
destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State ('Israel')." --Noam
Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Too many journalists run ADL spin with little real
knowledge about the organization and it's history - even recent history.
Take the case of the couple in Denver, for example.
Judge rules that judgment against ADL stands [FinalCall.com] - A ruling by a federal judge in Denver March 31 which upheld most of a year-old $10 million jury finding that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) libeled a couple by falsely portraying them as anti-Semites may at last call into question the group’s heretofore unassailable reputation as the sole "defender of the Jews" in America.
They use the "anti-Semitism" label as a weapon to suppress
criticism of Israel.
"The number one goal of the ADL is the protection of Israel," a former Republican congressman from San Mateo Pete McCloskey told SF Weekly in a recent interview. The Anti Defamation League: Censoring the Internet on Behalf of Israel
They intimidate book, newspaper and magazine publishers
and distributers. They try to get governments in other countries without a
first ammendment to outlaw publications they disagree with.
ADL directory Abraham H. Foxman attempted to intimidate a publisher into not publishing A Nation on Trial : The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth by Norman G. Finkelstein, Ruth Bettina Birn. See: "Cries to Halt Publication of Holocaust Book" (Arts & Ideas, NYTimes, Jan. 10 '99) and the comments in a letter to the editor a few days later ... "The Nazis banned books critical of their views; so did Stalin and so, until recently, did his successors. That''s how things work in totalitarian states. Abraham H. Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League calls for the Birn-Finkelstein book''s suppression. He should not forget that we live in a free society."
They actively promote the Holocaust Industry.
See: THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY [normanfinkelstein.com]
They smear people with the 'Anti-Semite' label.
The leading official monitor of anti-Semitism, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, interprets anti-Semitism as unwillingness to conform to its requirements with regard to support for Israeli authorities. These conceptions were clearly expounded by ADL National Director Nathan Perlmutter, who wrote that while old-fashioned anti-Semitism has declined, there is a new and more dangerous variety on the part of "peacemakers of Vietnam vintage, transmuters of swords into plowshares, championing the terrorist P.L.O.," and those who condemn U.S. policies in Vietnam and Central America while "sniping at American defense budgets." He fears that "nowadays war is getting a bad name and peace too favorable a press" with the rise of this "real anti-Semitism." The logic is straightforward: Anti-Semitism is opposition to the interests of Israel (as the ADL sees them); and these interests are threatened by "the liberals," the churches, and others who do not adhere to the ADL political line. - Necessary Illusions by Noam Chomsky Appendix V Segment 20/33
They try to control what is published online. Their end
run around the First Ammendment is to get private companies to become
the censors when they can't get the government to do it.
In the ADL article "Responding to Extemist Speech Online: 10 Frequently Asked Questions", the ADL explains how they work around the Constitution to stifle free speech. In this article, the ADL suggests the following: "Commercial ISPs, such as America Online (AOL), may voluntarily agree to prohibit users from sending racist or bigoted messages over their services. Such prohibitions do not implicate First Amendment rights because they are entered into through private contracts and do not involve government action in any way. Role in Internet Censorship
They ignore the violence of Israelis toward Palestinians
and encourage the U.S. government to initiate violence.
In an ADL press release which was published today you are quoted as expressing "outrage" at Gush Shalom's portrayal of Prime Minister Barak as a killer of Palestinian children in a caricature on its web site, and as stating that "The image of a militant Barak standing on the bleeding bullet-ridden body of a Palestinian child is abhorrent". We fully share your feelings of outrage and abhorrence - outrage and abhorrence not at a cartoon, a few bytes of virtual reality, but at the true cruel reality which that cartoon faithfully reflects. A reality being enacted day after day after day in the Occupied Territories, a reality of Israeli military snipers taking careful aim with their telescopic sights and shooting high-velocity ammunition at unarmed opponents - men and women, boys and girls. Snipers aiming carefully at the upper part of the body, shooting with deliberation and the full intention of causing death or grave injury. One of these snipers spoke on prime time Israeli TV two weeks ago, describing quite frankly what he is about. Defamation from the Anti-Defamation League answered by Robert Younes, M.D.
They perpetuate Jewish exceptionalism.
God's chosen children: "The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God's chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation." Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (New York), writing in ADL On the Frontline (January 1994, page 2)
ADL tries to stifle Muslim-Jewish Dialogue
Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League in Washington, DC, and Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America reportedly called on Jewish leaders to not enter into any agreement with Muslim organizations. Muslim-Jewish Dialogue Dealt a Setback By Pro-Israel Hard Liners
ADL has a history of spying on groups and collecting
information from government agencies.
Organizations found in ADL files
They have a little too cozy relationship with U.S. law
enforcement and foreign spy agencies.
Remarks from CIA chief George Tenet -- an unprecedented admission by the spy agency of its relationship with ADL -- point to an even more severe violation of normative separation of chuch and state doctrine Intelligence and covert operations are much more central to the core activities of a state than say education or the provision of public services. Yet, ADL has no qualms about maintaining an insider, not-at-arms-length relationship with that oh-so-democratic institution, the Central Intelligence Agency. Do what we say, not what we do. That could well be the motto of the Anti-Defamation League. [usajewish.com, April 16, 2000]
ADL goes after people using "anti-defamation" and or
"Anti Discrimination" in their names.
WADL {The Witches Anti Discrimination League ) died a painful death on the eve of Y2K. Steve Foster, President of WADL National announced that as of January 1, 2000 WADL National would henceforth be known as AREN, the Alternative Religious Education Network. After more than 30 years as the premier voice for Pagan and Wiccan culture, WADL was no more. A very sad day indeed. Sadder still is how our faithful little anti-discrimination duck met its demise. The ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) killed it.... The Death of a Duck
The ADL has too much money.
1998 income of $46,417,023 [Source: GuideStar 16-May-01]
People of the Anti-Defamation League
Call's for Foxman's resignation
What is encouraging is to see Jews (and non Jews) working
for peace in Israel - see
‘Not in My
Name’ by Alisa Solomon, Village Voice, May 16 - 22, 2001
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