Monday, October 18, 2010

Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Immigration Escort Service
And other tales of rank and rancid U.S. corruption....

Well doesn't this just take the ever-lovin' cake.

Why is it that AUTHORITIES are always the WORST PERVERTS -- yet they are the ones deciding what morality is for the rest?

"ICE officer indicted on child-porn charge" by Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff | January 10, 2009

A federal immigration officer was arrested yesterday for allegedly having sex with an 11-year-old child, and photographing the acts, while on official business in Brazil.

Michael Clifford, a 44-year-old immigration agent from Hull, was indicted by a grand jury on a child-pornography charge and ordered held without bail pending a hearing Tuesday. If convicted, he faces 15 to 30 years in prison, plus a fine of up to $250,000.

A woman at Clifford's house in Hull declined to comment. Clifford, who escorted deported immigrants to their homelands, allegedly picked up the child late at night in March at an outdoor café in Rio de Janeiro, according to the US Attorney's office in Boston. He allegedly returned to his hotel, had sex with the child, and photographed the child involved in sexual acts.

The hotel's security camera showed Clifford entering the hotel with the child late at night and then sending the child out of the hotel the next morning, the US Attorney's office said. The photographs were seized at his home in June. Yesterday, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued a statement saying that Clifford was placed on leave after the agency received a complaint last year, and is now suspended without pay. He has worked for the US government for more than 15 years, said spokeswoman Paula Grenier.

One question: Is "the child" male or female?

The Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of Professional Responsibility in New England are investigating.

Clifford's arrest follows two recent immigration-related investigations in New England.

Last month, Lorraine Henderson, Massachusetts' top federal border official in charge of stemming drug smuggling and illegal immigration, was arrested on charges that she hired illegal immigrants to clean her Salem condominium.
This week, seven workers at the Wyatt Detention Facility in Central Falls, R.I., were punished in connection with the death of a 34-year-old Chinese immigrant, Hiu Lui Ng, who was held there for 25 days until he died in August of cancer. The facility denied that the actions resulted in his death, but said the employees were disciplined for failing to follow unspecified policies and procedures. US Immigration and Customs has withdrawn all 153 immigrant detainees from the facility and is investigating the death.

You know, I'm for our laws being upheld and all; however, this just shows you what happens in a police state. Any -- and I mean ANY -- government oppression is bad, no matter how well intentioned.

Of course, this is all driven by globalist economics, so you fix that problem, poof, away goes your immigration worries.


Here is some more stuff to chew on now that you are outraged enough:

Government-Hosted Porn

Porn On the Web

Oh, and the rank corruption extends throughout the whole political spectrum, folks:

"Ala. sheriff to give up jail food profits

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - An Alabama sheriff imprisoned after conceding that he legally pocketed about $210,000 from his jail kitchen while providing skimpy meals to inmates has agreed to give up future profits from the operation, a judge said yesterday....

Morgan County Sheriff Greg Bartlett - like other Alabama sheriffs - kept any profits generated by the kitchen under a state law dating to the 1920s. Aside from forgoing the money, Clemon said, Bartlett promised to follow federal guidelines and provide inmates with meals that include fresh fruit and milk, two items prisoners said they rarely or never received in the past."

WTF? Skimming of the prisoner's food? Isn't it bad enough as it is?

Who are the criminals here, anyway?

"Baltimore mayor indicted on theft, perjury charges

BALTIMORE - Mayor Sheila Dixon was indicted yesterday on charges that she accepted illegal gifts during her time as mayor and president of the City Council, including travel, fur coats, and gift cards intended for the poor that she allegedly used instead for a holiday shopping spree....

The indictment against Dixon does not name Ronald H. Lipscomb, a prominent developer who briefly dated the mayor and who was indicted Wednesday on one charge of bribing a City Council member. The indictment describes Dixon taking money from Lipscomb and using it to buy expensive gifts - two fur coats and high-end skin products, for example - all while pampering herself with trips to New York City, Chicago, and Colorado with stays at lavish hotels."


Does the FLEECING of the American public NEVER END no matter WHAT LEVEL of government we speak?
Posted by Rocker at 7:52 AM
Labels: American Tyranny, South America
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