Monday, October 18, 2010

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Porn On the Web
I've also suspected the government of directing and running the sites for entrapment and enslavement purposes.

I never go near the sex sites because that contains no interest from me whatsoever.

I'm POSTING what I'm interested in!

Israeli Perverts

"Israeli web surfers being banned from 'Net storage sites due to uploading large amounts of porn"

"Israeli IP? You're banned

Increasing amount of internet storage sites placing blanket regional bans on all Israeli users; says huge amount of Israeli surfers violate their terms of use

Banning Israeli web surfers - A number of internet storage sites have begun banning Israeli surfers from accessing their services, saying that "unsuitable" behavior has forced them to block IP addresses from Israel.

The websites say Israeli surfers have used the site to upload and share pornographic material in large numbers, "forcing" them to place a blanket ban on Israeli web users.

100WebSpace, a storage site, has blocked all IP addresses originating from Israel, following what it says were “repeated attempts to exploit the service from Israel.”

Other foreign sites have followed suit, saying they too would ban Israeli web surfers, citing similar reasons.

One such website,, is a free storage provider for images and video files.

An attempt to reach the site from Israel results in an error message which reads, “Due to prolonged attempts to abuse the service we are sorry to announce that you cannot upload files from your area at this time.”

"Gordon," of, insists that the blanket regional ban on Israeli users was the correct course of action.

“This is not a small amount of users, but a large number, that have ruined the enjoyment for everyone else,” he say

Terms of use’s terms of use forbid the use of pornographic images, but Gordon says that out of 22,157 file uploads from Israel, 15,741 contained sexually explicit material.

Over 3,500 uploads contained graphic scenes of violence, such as murder and accidents, while 27 file uploads infringed copyright laws. Gordon says 87 percent of Israeli users broke the site’s term of use.

“We try to provide a free service to everyone,” he says. “But the violations of our terms of use are bogging down our services. Pornographic content ties up a lot of space and content that violates copyright law creates legal complications.

"This buildup damages the quality of our service for legitimate users. We are planning a free registration for all users in the short term future, and we hope this step will allow us to provide our service to all users,” Gordon says., another site providing free web storage, has also begun blocking potential users from Israel.

Ynet was told that the ban was taken following “the especially high level of attempted fraudulent use from your area.”

Source: Ynet

Master Race? More like "Masterbator" Race."

Israeli perverts, huh?

Why am I not surprised in the least?

Canadian Perverts

"Search warrants for child porn too slow, say RCMP"

"Child pornography investigations in Atlantic Canada are being held up by internet service providers who require search warrants before providing customer information, say RCMP.

In some parts of Canada, internet service providers will hand over information such as the name, address and phone number of a customer being investigated by police...."

"Heads-up Canadians! Under the rubric of "Child Porn" Canada will now allow warrantless searches of your computers and internet traffic. They may find some child porn (although I am starting to wonder how much child porn is planted by the government to justify the suspension of warrants), but rest assured they will be giving equal if not greater attention to intellectual property theft, and if Canada's RCMP is anything like the FBI, stealing your business information with which to engage in a little insider trading." -- Mike Rivero of

Danish Pornography

While not technically considered porn, it is to me and a lot of other people.

Now we know why it makes the MSM, why it was made and BY WHOM!!!

All highlights by the blogger on this one!

"Geert Wilders "tight connections" with the MOSSAD & Israel"

"Found some rather interesting things about Mr. Wilders on Wikipedia that seem to have legit sources.

Looks like Mr. Wilders is an agent provocateur and disinfo specialist for the Israeli MOSSAD.

Anyone who has visited Israel 40 times in the last 20 years, as Mr. Wilders has, has to be either deranged or a MOSSAD asset.. or maybe both.

From the Geert Wilders Wikipedia page:

The Dutch newspaper Telegraaf reported in May 2007 that Geert Wilders had been shadowed by the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service for years, when he was foreign affairs spokesman for the VVD. During that time, Wilders had been regularly meeting officials at the Israeli Embassy in The Hague.[8] Sources in the security service said that the agency was surveilling conversations between Wilders and Israeli personnel.[9] The security services denied the allegations, insisting it had never shadowed or eavesdropped on Wilders.[10]


In the past twenty five years Geert Wilders has visited Israel about forty times[citation needed], where he has met Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert personally[citation needed]. He claims to have tight connections with the Mossad.[18][19]

Originally, Wilders wanted to move to the Jewish state because he thought one could, as opposed to the Netherlands, 'work for your own money'.[19] Wilders worked in bread factories and a moshav.[20] With the money he earned, he traveled through Israel and some near countries. He started to love Israel, or as he states it in his own words in 2003: "The past years I have visited many interesting countries, from Tunisia to Turkey and from Cyprus to Iran, but nowhere I have that special feeling of solidarity that I always get if I set foot on the Israeli Ben Gurion Airport." [19]

Wilders has, in the eight years he has served in the Dutch Parliament, always supported Israel and attacked countries he perceives as enemies of Israel.[19] More than a few members of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy suspect Wilders of taking guidance from the Israeli Embassy in the Netherlands (which is only a few meters away from the Dutch Parliament) in order to question Dutch ministers. Wilders has always denied this. [19]

Furthermore, Wilders has made some proposals in the Dutch Parliament inspired by Israel. For example, in 2005 Wilders proposed implementing Israel's administrative detention in the Netherlands, a practice heavily criticized by human rights group Amnesty International. Also, at the time Wilders was member of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, he had an employee who directly came from the Israeli Embassy . [19]

(An employee who came directly from the Israeli Embassy?
Most people would call that person a "handler.")

In polls released following the assassination of Theo van Gogh, it was estimated that Wilders' party could win as many as 29 (out of 150) seats in the Dutch parliament. With the uproar over the killing of Van Gogh subsiding, this number declined to a low of one in October 2005. In February 2006, after the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, it rose again to three seats.

Here'a part of a story on Geert that ran in Haaretz. Seems like Geert has some extra-special video skills. Wonder where he picked up that training?

Far-right Dutch politician brings his anti-Islam rhetoric back to Jerusalem

Days after the release of a video showing his beheading, the Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders landed last week at Ben-Gurion International Airport for another visit to Israel - a country which he calls home.

On Monday, Wilders told Anglo File that the mock online video was part of an escalation of a hateful reaction to his resistance to "increasing Islamization" in Holland.

The 44-year-old far-right politician, who heads the Party for Freedom (PVV), is visiting Israel this week with two other legislators from his party - the opposition's third largest. Over the years, Wilders has visited Israel dozens of times to meet with security experts, politicians and old friends.

Geert is obviously a MOSSAD agent, who will be used by that bunch of psychopaths until no longer useful, then, he'll be murdered by his "buddies" in the MOSSAD, with clues left lying about that point the finger of blame at some Muslim.

That, or he'll get into some kind of trouble in the Netherlands and skip out to live in that country that hides thieves, murderers, con artists and other assorted criminal riff-raff, Israel.

What do you think would happen if someone made a short video that had someone dressed up as a Hasidic Jew, who read verses from the Talmud--especially the real nasty ones about Gentiles--while showing the WTC attacks in the background?

The sh*t would hit the fan all over the world, with the attack being led by the Zionist owned American MSM.

That is, if that video could ever see the light of day, since it would be difficult to get it into circulation in the Zionist MSM."
Posted by Rocker at 11:21 PM
Labels: American Tyranny, Islam, Israel
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Around AmeriKa: Child Porn Expanding
Well, maybe if the SEC, MMS, and Pentagon were not addicted to the stuff. "Justice report says child porn growing" by Associated Press | August 3, 2010 WASHINGTON — The spread of child pornography, fueled by technology and the Internet, ...
Posted by Rocker at August 11, 2010 3:13 AM
Pentagon Perverts
First it was the SEC and then it was the MMS and NOW THIS, America! "Several dozen Pentagon officials and contractors with high-level security clearances who allegedly purchased and downloaded child pornography, including an undisclosed ...
Posted by Rocker at July 23, 2010 9:00 AM
Getting Back on the Horse
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Posted by Rocker at June 30, 2010 5:45 AM
Massachusetts Police Dispatch Child Pornographer to Connecticut
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Posted by Rocker at May 15, 2010 8:30 AM
Clear the Court: Surfing For Porn
Not me. "Court likely to back law to commit sex offenders; Justices would give Congress power to step in" by Greg Stohr, Bloomberg News | January 13, 2010. WASHINGTON - Supreme Court justices signaled yesterday that they are likely to ...
Posted by Rocker at April 16, 2010 8:13 AM
Googling China
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Posted by Rocker at April 5, 2010 11:12 AM
Around Asia: China on the Prowl
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Posted by Rocker at March 17, 2010 7:35 AM
Shipper of Kiddie Porn
"Not guilty plea in child pornography case A Boston man accused of being a major distributor of child pornography pleaded not guilty yesterday after police say they found more than 16000 files on his computer. ...
Posted by Rocker at February 8, 2010 1:48 AM
Sunday Globe Chop Shop: Cutting Room Floor
They did run the article on Monday: "Viruses can turn PCs into child-porn servers" by Jordan Robertson, Associated Press | November 9, 2009. Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you ...
Posted by Rocker at November 9, 2009 7:35 AM
Obama Has His Eyes On You
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Posted by Rocker at October 3, 2009 10:53 AM
Alphabetical Fascism
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Posted by Rocker at July 14, 2009 11:22 PM
The fbi's Call Girls
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Posted by Rocker at March 10, 2009 2:42 AM
More State Sickies and Other Sordid Stories
Just to remind you who the REAL SICKIES, PERVERTS and CRIMINALS are in this state: "Ex-state trooper pleads guilty in drug case. A former state trooper who had served on the Bristol County Drug Task Force pleaded guilty yesterday to ...
Posted by Rocker at February 21, 2009 8:53 AM
Israel Releases Computer Virus
Related: More Malware Targeting Users of Pirated Software for Mac "CIA/MOSSAD GENERATED "VERIFY YAHOO ACCOUNT" SCAM/PHISHING/VIRUS. "An expert traces the IP path and finds the source of this virus attack is Israel" -- Wake the Flock Up ...
Posted by Truth Rocker at January 28, 2009 3:53 AM
Perverts and Police
"Porn cases lead to backlog at FBI lab. WASHINGTON - The fbi's stepped-up effort to fight Internet child pornography has led to an evidence backlog in the bureau's computer labs, auditors said yesterday. ...
Posted by Rocker at January 25, 2009 12:28 AM
Government Has ED When It Comes to Sex Predators
I knew there was something smelled fishy about the whole porn-on-line thing. Related: Jews in the American porn industry. I never, ever, ever go there, readers, and never will. I have better things to do with my time. ...
Posted by Rocker at January 14, 2009 1:07 PM
The Immigration Escort Service
And other tales of rank and rancid US corruption.... Well doesn't this just take the ever-lovin' cake. Why is it that AUTHORITIES are always the WORST PERVERTS -- yet they are the ones deciding what morality is for the rest? ...
Posted by Rocker at January 10, 2009 7:52 AM
Liberal and Gay Hypocrisy Exposed
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Posted by Rocker at January 2, 2009 10:20 AM
Why I am Not a Teacher
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Posted by Truth Rocker at November 18, 2008 7:52 AM
Agent Provocateur Runs For State Senate
That can be the ONLY REASON -- to give CERTAIN POSITIONS a BAD NAME!!! "Sex offender running for seat on Vermont's state senate" by John Curran, Associated Press | November 3, 2008. BURLINGTON - Larkin Forney's been a lot of things in ...
Posted by Rocker at November 3, 2008 11:27 AM
A Pirate President
Smells like further dictatorship to me. "Antipiracy bill signed into law. President Bush signed into law yesterday a controversial bill that would stiffen penalties for movie and music piracy at the federal level. ...
Posted by Rocker at October 15, 2008 3:56 AM

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