Monday, October 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Mubarek's Crackdown
How come YOUR FRIEND hates DEMOCRACY, George, and WHY NO WORD when you excoriate "ENEMIES," you fucking lying spew-shitter!

"Muslim Brotherhood trims political goals; Legalization bid halted after arrests" By Daniel Williams, Bloomberg | August 15, 2007

CAIRO -- The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest opposition force, has suspended its bid for legalization as a political party following mass arrests of its members, Brotherhood officials say.

Hundreds of Brotherhood members have been detained and dozens put on trial in recent months, the organization and Egyptian authorities said. Police raided a Brotherhood resort and arrested 40 vacationers on suspicion of belonging to an illegal organization and reading banned literature, an Interior Ministry spokesman said on Aug. 11. Another 40 Brotherhood officials, including businessmen who fund the group, are on trial in a closed-door military tribunal accused of terrorism and money laundering.

The crackdown has led the Brotherhood to abandon efforts to win a liberalization of Egyptian law and gain the right to openly recruit, meet, and run for political office, said Brotherhood official Ali Abdul Fattah.

The Brotherhood is the Middle East's oldest Islamic political grouping and claims 1 million members in Egypt.... Al Qaeda, the global terrorist organization headed by Osama bin Laden, has criticized the Brotherhood for engaging in electoral politics.... The Brotherhood renounced violence in the 1970s."

[So the Brotherhood is an... ally?

Like Shi'ites, right?

They are not "Al-CIA-Duh," either!]
Posted by Rocker at 5:10 AM
Labels: Egypt, Middle East
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