Monday, December 27, 2010

3000 cameras? how is this supposed to stop a terrorist? maybe have some good footage of the explosion but that's all. increased security at malls? how many malls in america? what about wal marts ? cafe s? or a crowded street corner anywhere USA ?suicide bomber goes to the mall, blows up the mall along with the rent a cops watching the place. where is the preventive measures? ask Israel, if they can't stop bombings, nobody can, look at the practice they've had. stickmanHow much longer before embedded microchips are required for all Americans, for our own safety? The government is jumping in, taking control of all aspects of us "free" citizens. Does anyone else find it odd that the FDA will allow drugs that can cause heart attacks, strokes, death, but the dept of homeland security will spend many billions to take freedoms and not save one person?Leave the arab countries alone and they will leave us aloneWe fought an unnecessary war in Iraq and lost countless lives on both sides, Afghanistan is a 10 year war, and we didn’t have these problems before we went to war with these countries. We are paying the price.The only ones we have to fear are the lying government and their false flag events. they will do *anything* to scare the people into submission. Groups lie Al-CIA-Da, this whole thing stinks

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