Monday, December 27, 2010

there is no such thing as a muslim terrorist.Another tactic to keep americans in fear of attack, every time there is talk of stopping the war or pulling out they want to say there is a chance of attack so the people will start wanting to war to continue, and give the gov't more opertunity to place more camaras to spy on us with, so there will be camaras everywhere you look, there will be no private place here at all.there just trying to keep people in fear all the time, bunch of bullIf we stay out of the Mideast maybe we won't experience as many terrorist threats in our country. MorganOh great! These pathetic minimum wage rent-a-cop retards are already on a power trip, now this. What else is next?The real purpose for this is for when the US defaults on it's debt and the country goes to @#$% - we'll already have an entrenched police state in place. Or to put it more simply, they aren't stepping up security to deal with terrorists, they're stepping up security so they can deal with us.Authority is a predator that denies you the right of self defense before it attacks you. This makes it not only mans most dangerous enemy, but also defines the word cunning and coward.

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