Thursday, December 23, 2010

All the stimulus and recovery acts gave Obama a lot of stable time to fix the underlying economic problems, government spending and the debt.

... Instead, Obama chose to waste an entire year screwing around on that stupid healthcare bill while ignoring unemployment and increasing more spending (this is immediately following what everyone recognized as the most severe and urgent recession since the Great Depression). That stupid bill adds a Trillion more dollars in entitlement spending on top of the entitlements we can't even afford, which is the same problem Greece is in right now and rammed up the deficit a few trillion on top of that.

The recession may have started in Bush's last year (where the same Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took over congress in 2006 and forced Bush to sign their expensive debt-ridden bills in compromise so Bush could get funding for the troops), but Obama has a responsibility to competently manage the crisis and he dropped the ball big time.

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