Thursday, December 23, 2010

This is all profit-taking by the super-rich...and the nations are going worse-and-worse every day. It isn't how bad the nations are doing, whether it is Greece, Portugal, Spain, France or the is what happens when the catalyst breaking point is met, or the truth emerges, and this house of cards falls. When that happens, the domino-effect is going to be earth-shattering! Just wait until Spain or France or especially the U.S. have a collapsing economy. Even Greece could inadvertently become the match that starts the forest fire...once the EU communities start to fall, they won't stop. This, of course, is what the mega-bankers want, so that they can take their cream-harvest of all economies, trash them, and then institute new ones. This is the actual goal...and it is JUST around the corner.

What comes next is pure evil.The EU ‘promise’ had to be vague, because any real bailout money would be illegal, and while the EU flout their own fiscal laws continually, they can’t flout German law. The legal challenge by senior German lawyers and economists is now under way: it is serious, and well-argued. And there is no one in the German courts to bleat that EU Law is supreme. In Germany, it’s not.
The next stage of the eurozone game will be the challenge to the euro currency itself. Once the ECB and then the Bundesbank have to throw in vast reserves in a daily battle against Soros et al, to shore up the value of the euro, the Germans could easily cut through the whole argument ) by unilaterally abandoning ERM, reverting to the Deutschmark, and leaving the others to it.
The Germans are bright enough to know that this is an option, and I bet Merkel (tipped off by Weber and others) is already planning for the eventuality.

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