Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another POOR ATTEMPT by the FED to try to avert FINANCIAL DISASTER...........FINE SAVE YOUR LITTLE ASSES another day......BUT LET ME TELL YOU THE CONSUMER DOES NOT BUY ASIAN STOCKS they BUY at AMERICAN STORES, and they would like to BUY AMERICAN GOODS and get GOOD AMERICAN SERVICE.........FIND OUT YOURSELF that YOUR BUSINESS WILL SINK if you continue your way of "DOING BUSINESS"...... a big shout out to Terry Juliard the Terrorist and all his friends at WILMETTE for being a real piece of human trash.We did this ourselves.

CEOs outsource to save the company a few $$.
Governments create "free trade", more outsourcing.
Unions want insane wages. Companies outsource.

The USA is falling rapidly and when the shyt finally hits the fan? well were gonna see "Made in China" on that d@mn fan!

We need to get back manufacturing in the US and NOW b4 its too late. China can't cover our cost of living ya know..

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