Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Interesting enough, the day after an election, not a news release, The market closed prior to the news release but everyone knew the outcome since midnight.

And Bonner wants "less government involvement?"

Seriously? Isn't irregulating what got us in this fine mess in the first place?

Yep, those tears of joy and a $$ vision in his future. Great not only have our jobs been sent oversears but our democracy as well has been outsource. Now I understand why it was important to keep those funds sources secret. Yep, Rowe's internation money laundry company made it all happen. Just like during the Bush days of outsourcing jobs.

They provoked you to rally against illegals propaganda smoke screen meanwhile your very own democracy was being outsourced. Thanks Asian market for proving the obvious...

Yep, but it's all Obama faults for giving us Socialized Health Care.

Social Security/Disability = Socialized Health Care

Can you prove it isn't?

Hee Haw, You all come back now!

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