Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Billions upon Billions For this nutty war. And here at home almost every state in the union is operating in the red. All this defies logical thinking. Has everyone lost their minds?thanks george bush for getting the u.s. involved in these illegal wars of "mass destruction" and pissin away my tax dollars.Reid got one thing right in this statement,Obama has turned around American foriegn policy.
Now England hates us, Israel hates us,and France thinks WE are too socialist.
Meanwhile China and Russia think they can dictate policy to us and every Muslim in the world sees us as a weak target.
But at least we got gays in the military, that'll show the world!Coming from Reid, this is an insult to any real statesman. Since when does a front man for the Mafia and Mexican drug lords carry any weight amongst honest people?Let's give Hugo Chavez the next Nobel Peace Prize for "stabilizing democracy in Venezuela."Obama a world leader? Get real. He has been rebuffed at every conference he has attended and at every economic suggestion he has made. He goes over to India and offers them billions to buy our products and begs congress to approve a treaty in order to get Russia on board with the idea of a missile defense system in Europe. The Pacific realm bebuffed him and the G-20 laughed in his face. He can't even get the imaginary green thing going. He may have started out as the great black hope but has turned into the great black dud.

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