Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The supply and data are rigged by the 'investors'. Investors being the buyers and sellers of 'futures' or 'derivatives' and they are allowed to squeeze the public in just this way. Keep it up, and you will collapse the economy and then stand around wondering 'what the hell happened?' when no one is buying the product.We spent how many billions bailing out the car companies and the banks but when it comes to oil we just say stop drilling and let the workers go without a job for awhile. Because we can pass this cost on to the people through the pump they will get mad at the oil company, not the govt. Stupid votersSome is tied to supply and demand, but most is just strightforward market manipulation.

Who needs an arabic OPEC, when we have one here in the States.

Why don't derrivitive fund prospectors pay pirates again to hold some oil barges "hostage", till the investors say to release it. Oops, that's tomorrow's news. ;)

Get efficient people, do not wait for the government to help you. When you await government help, it is too little, too late and too intrusive.

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