Sunday, December 26, 2010

Don't forget that 9-11 was an inside job carried out by the Israeli Mossad and CIA with Bush's full knowledge.Afghanistan ain't worth it! You can't train a people that are 98% illiterate and expect to them to join you in the battle to free themselves. They don't understand the meaning of FREE. (Unless stealing something means it's free)

Bring home the 101st and put them on the southern border.Some people in this world simply can't live in free country, just imagine letting a wild animal out from cage it will tear everything apart. Just saying even if we do succeed wouldn't be surprised if afganistan will go to same shape as before.can someone tell me why we are still in afghanistan at all? you cannot defeat terrorism, period, so all we are doing is killing people, not the idea. i'm in the 25th infantry in hawaii, we are replacing the 101st in the east in april, it's ridiculous how many of them have been wounded or dead, even just out of who we are replacing.

war on terrorism will never end, you cannot stop it, so all we are doing is getting soldiers like me and my buddies killed to try and stop an IDEA, if this sounds blatantly stupid to you, give me a thumbs up.

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