Sunday, December 26, 2010

My respect for all the fallen heroes"

They are volunteered killers.The only reason there are any American casualties, at all, is that we are determined to continue fighting a politically correct war, which is something new to the USA after WWII (that was the last "real" war this Nation fought) where saving civilian lives are so priceless that American

During America's Vietnam holocaust, we dropped more bombs than were used in WW2. we killed more than 4 million people in that country, and we still lost.

Shedding more blood won't make an evil oil war better.We are there to ensure that they stay there and far from here...unfortuantely, many of the people we are fighting in Afghanistan don't udnerstand why we are there. They think that we are trying to take over their towns and villages and so they fight in resistance. Restrepo is a great movie/documentary that many of you should take the time to watch. The video is very honest about the stupidity of our commanders. Had the Captain paid for the cow his men had for dinner, the people wouldn't have hated them so badly. You can not go into a country, treat the people like crap and expect a good outcome. The arrogancy of that Captain got his men hurt or killed and all he had to do was the right thing. bad impressions and arrogancy is getting our men killed there. Instead, the world should be learning about the better values of American people. Our charitiable and sense of justice should be our banner....

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