Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The economy has remained in a recession since oil prices went off the roof and sank it in mid 2008.
A $1.5 trillion federal deficit per year, 10% unemployment, and our horrible trade imbalances are a terrible cost to pay for substandard economic growth, huge corporate earnings, and a stock market bubble. All that money is coming from our pockets. This is the socializing of corporate debt and privatizing of all profit. The people are paying for those corporation’s profits with their jobs, health, and lives.
We will slide right back and fall into a huge depression one way or another, and it is our fault. We have been living beyond our means, as individuals and as a nation, for more than forty years. It will take the rest of our lives and everything we got to dig us out of this hole.
I have been telling everyone I know to prepare because things will get much worse before they get any better. Peak Oil will give us another blow in a few years.Gax prices are overpriced by $1/gallon cuz of that "war on terror". So as long as OBL is on the loose
its good news for the neocons fromTexas. Wondering why OBL is still at large now?If you only spent $20 bucks a month on gas, by using a hybrid, you would then eliminate the need for oil wars and the middle east getting rich off Americans. Further you would then be directly helping our economic infrastructure here in America, by not sending all our money abroad. Simple really!

So, If everybody used hybrids and electric cars gas would be back to $1.50 a gallon... Who would need the stuff?

Sure, you can still have your high performance cars for the weekend fun, but the day to day driving the kids to school and store stuff, should not be over $100 a week expence, caused by not using a hybrid... This is stupid!

Wake up to the fact that that car you drive is only 30% efficient. So, if you spend $3.00 or more per gallon for fuel, only a $1.00 worth of your purchase is pushing you down the road! The rest is waste heat and friction and such. And most of the $3.00 is sent to a foreign country. So, simply use a hybrid to increase what you get out of that gallon of gas.

Soon, we will all be driving cars that are closer to 90% efficient as they become more electric. Not only are these future cars cheap to drive and maintain, but they are great for our economic future of oil independence, by keeping US dollars at home, not sent away to the oil countries.

In fact, if Chevron did not kill the Nickle Metal Hydride Battery (Great for a 100 mile per charge EV car) ten year ago we would all most likely be driving some sort of electric or hybrid car today and gas would be cheap! Not only that, we would not have such a demand for oil or such the problem with global wars or warming.

So, I would take a hard look at Chevron, BP and all the other oil monopoles... They don't have our best interest in hand, do they?

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