Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The English are so arrogant. They travel around the world and treat people as if they are still colonizers and better than everyone else. The point their finger at the Americans and point out how hated they are when little do they realize we hate them just as bad. We don't like to have them around and their ancestors were crueler the Spanish Conquistadors. Look what they recently did to the Americans down in the gulf of Mexico with their leaking oil drilling platform. They don't care about anyone but themselves. What a shame the Africans did not invade england when they had the chance.The U.S. should take fast steps in following the U.K. foreign worker reduction, and shut down our boarders. We need to follow Az. imigration Laws. All boarder states should crack down and get together and tell The Fed's that the states will take over and take the cost out of the income taxes we send them. If they don't like it we could mose the senate and house offices dow to Elpaso and right on the banks of the river so they could get first hand info. On second thought, move the White House down with them. Obama likes them more than us anyway. We need to hold an election the first of each month and take a people vote and tell congress what they should do......

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