Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hmmm...I guess all those socialists are finally learning what it means when you run out of the other guys money. Unfortunatly, "the other guys money" will be replaced with US taxpayers' money. Who is going to bail out the United States when our socialist chickens come home to roost? The Chinese....again? Oh...wait...just print more money...problem solved.Hasn't anyone remembered the disastrous results of communism in Eastern Europe? Nope. The trade unions there ("We demand something for nothing!") are in full swing again, and the results will be similar, simply proving that Democracy is a cruel hoax: for example, why should some wino bum be allowed to vote on property tax rates? Immediately after voting, the winos catch a bus to Texas or somwhere, leaving decent taxpayers holding the bag. America was wisely founded as a Republic, and the word "democracy" is found nowhere in any of our important documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, etc.Does matter whether it is a socialist country like Spain or a "democratic" one like USA, both are living way beyond their means and their economies are unsustainable. Amazingly though, it is the Socialist country that takes decisive action to reduce spending, while the apparently democratic one (USA) simply prints more money. Isn't that what Russia did during the cold war, and we see how well that worked out for them!

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