Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Ever since gold was removed as the backing of our currency, your personal labor and property have taken gold's place as collateral for our national debt. Every time the Federal Reserve Bank creates new money, it is a claim against your labor and property. It's not a coincident that the IRS was created at the same time as the FRB. It is their agency to collect your payments against your indebtedness.

Without a sound monetary system, we become the chattel for our national debt (9 trillion dollars and counting). This represents about $30,000 for every man, women and child in our country. That's $120,000 worth of debt placed directly on the shoulders of a family of 4. We have become property guaranteeing payment to the world bankers and other nations accepting our currency." (End)

When a person, business or a country's debt goes beyond its ability to pay, it will sooner or later face bankruptcy. We are already seeing a huge rise in home foreclosures across the country caused by run-away inflation by new dollar creation by the FRB. The bankers are collecting on the debt by taking the very homes of our fellow Americans (as predicted by Jefferson those many years ago). This will be one of the greatest transfers of wealth from the middle class to the central bankers and government central planners in history.

I think that one of the most critical issues of the 2008 Presidential campaign was the fall in value of the US dollar in the world currency markets. If this trend is not reversed, the United States will become a "second rate debtor nation" to the rest of the major world powers, who by the way already hold a large portion of our financial obligations. This most likely will lead to the end of our sovereign nation replaced by some United Nations type government. What we would never lose in war, we will lose in bankruptcy.

Of all the Presidential candidates, only Dr. Ron Paul would even discuss the issue of sound money. In every debate other candidates actually try to make fun of Dr. Paul about this issue (the debates he isn't excluded from!). After Iowa and NH, I'm not so sure the American people have suffered enough to see the truth but they will come to see the truth one way or another.

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