Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It’s is time America takes its cue from Spain and Greece, before we crumble like dominoes. We cannot be the Police Men of the world on borrowed money, let the world take care of itself and America takes care of its own people. Barry has to realize that all wars are stupid there is no such thing as a smart war. Get our people out of Afghanistan. They do not love us they do not love each other. “Bring our people home “Barry. The economy is not your Achilles hills it is the illegal war you are conducting in Afghanistan that will bring down in 2012. Al-Qaida is not in Afghanistan anymore we are spending too much of our borrowed money in a country that is corrupted and the CIA with all the money they spend in Afghanistan can not even capture Osama so why are we in Afghanistan?Spain should thank the unions for this mess. In the US unions had killed steel industry, public transportation - especially train-transport, car-making industry (transiently saved by Obama by taxing our children and grandchildren) and school education. Countries such as Hungary or South Korea spend 15 times less public money (per capita) on primary and secondary schools and in the ranking of student education level are No 1 and 2 worldwide; USA ranks #43. Who is responsible for this: You guessed - teachers' union, by preventing firing the incompetent teachers or those who just pretent that they work and not allowing any competition. Unions became the parasites of the productive society.

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