Saturday, December 25, 2010

The global economy can withstand an oil price of $100 a barrel, Kuwait's oil minister said on Saturday."
Remind me why we went to Iraq originally? Wasn't it to take back the land and oil that Saddam tried to reclaim from Kuwait?
We pay to save their land and oil and this is how they repay us?
Had we not gone there to help them originally, we could have prevented our participation in 20 years of war in the middle east. We could have saved trillions of dollars in war costs, saved thousands of American lives and tens (Maybe hundreds) of thousands of Iraqi lives, and prevented hundreds of thousands of related injuries.
Iraq could still be fighting with Iran keeping them from antagonizing the rest of the world.
Bush and Cheney would never had the opportunity to green light oil trades and the ramping up of oil and gas prices with impunity and oil prices would not be where we are now.
When the US prints more money - for free - then the value of all the rest goes down. It's called inflation.

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