Sunday, December 26, 2010

Do you think the Oil price has anything to do with Supply and demand?
They demand more money so they reduce supply.
I think it would be better to have friends with Oil than friends who kill the friends of those with Oil?
Like better to have friends with Muslims who control most of the oil than to be friends with Israel which kills Muslims.
It’s a choice you too can make every time you fill up the tank.
As long as you make an informed conscious choice it’s fine with me.
The world is on the Gold standard, the Black gold standard when you print more dollars they raise the price to cover whatever you print.We should have let Iraq keep Kuwait. OR maybe we should just take their oil. Wait As I recall the war was over oil and we were stealing their oil. How did that work out?
It only works well when you WinI just read Edmunds test report on the Chevy Volt. It costed more than $43,000.00, seats 4, and oddly enough, costs more to run on electricity than if it just used gasoline!!!! Now for the real scam. Since GM is now Government Motors, you can get a whopping $7500.00 tax credit if you buy one. Isn't it interesting that tax-payers are funding this tax credit for folks who can afford to pay $43,000 for a four-passenger vehicle that saves no energy at all? But let's do this rather than drill offshore or up in ANWR. Right, liberals?

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